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你玩过天宫图或通灵游戏吗?Have you ever played with horoscopes or Ouija boards?

显灵板是用来联系灵界的鬼魂。The Ouija Board is used to contact spirits or entities.

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当我父亲在哥哥去世后六个月也因脑瘤去世后,母亲让我使用显灵板。When my father died of a brain tumor six months after my brother, she made me use a Ouija board.

看来班耳曼州长要是离开他的通灵人史密斯就解无案可解了。Sheriff Bannerman can't seem to solve a case without calling in his human Ouija board Johnny Smith.

自那以后,我们再也没有碰到过什么事情,而且我们也再也没有玩过占卜板了。至少Cynthia再也没玩过了。From then on , we did not happen to anything and we didn't play the ouija , at least Cynthia did not.

当本集开始不久出现了“通灵板”的时候,我就有一种不祥的预感…I knew it was going to be a bad episode when they pulled out the Ouija board in the first five minutes.

一天我和几个朋友玩的时候,在地下室�发现了一块显灵板。A couple of friends and I were hangin' out one day and we found an Ouija board in one of their basements.

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自那以后,我们再也没有碰到过什么事情,而且我们也再也没有玩过占卜板了.至少Cynthia再也没玩过了。Nothing ever happened to us again, and we never again, played with another Ouija board again. At least she didn't.

两位咯咯笑的年轻女孩面朝对方而坐,她们紧紧挨着的膝盖上面放着一块正操作着的灵应牌。Two giggling young girls are sitting facing each other, knees tightly touching, working a ouija board on their laps.

我曾听过各种各样的故事,讲的是有人通过占卜板被恶灵控制了,这些故事把我吓坏了。I had heard all the stories about people getting possessed by the devil using the Ouija board and that frightened me.

之前几个星期,Michelle不止一次地跟我们提起她得到了一块占卜板,她想让我和妹妹陪她一起试用一下那块占卜板。She had been telling us for weeks how she had an Ouija board and wanted my sister and I to experiment with her on it.

通过灵应盘,她们获得讯息告诉她们她们确实能够参与一个伟大的使命。Working with the Ouija board, they received messages telling them that they could indeed have a part in a great mission.

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这类事情往往藐视逻辑解释,例如,尽管证据薄弱而无法证明,但还有人主张使用通灵板。There are incidents that do defy logical explanations, such as some people’s claims of using the Ouija board, though since none of these events can be proven it is very weak evidence.

事实上,这个占卜板的打字员既没有证明也没有反驳精神的摄入,但是它确实阻止了移动三角形时假装自己被控制的骗子。Granted, the ouija board typewriter didn't prove or disprove the involvement of spirits, but it did prevent swindlers from consciously moving the triangle while pretending they were possessed.