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大家熟知的红眼病就是其中之一。Everybody's hep red-eyed disease is among them one of.

本会为各义工举办了参观益力多厂。HEP arranged a Yakult manufactory visiting for volunteers.

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"乙型肝炎疫苗已经存在20多年了,"他说。""The hep B vaccine has been around for 20-odd years, " he says.

但单一的赞助不能帮助所有的家庭的,因而一些家庭在排队等待资助。But a single fund can't hep all the families so some are waiting in the rotation process.

高能喷丸也可以使密排六方金属表面纳米化。The metals with hep structure were nanocrystallizationed in surface layer by means of high-energy shot peening.

人们熟知的可再生能源有太阳能、风能、水力、沼气等。People is hep but second birth the sources of energy has solar energy, wind energy, hydraulic, firedamp to wait.

他们有固定的工资收入或利润收入,见多识广,消息灵通,较易接受新事物。They have fixed wage income or profit income, experienced and knowledgeable, hep , accept new thing more easily.

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农场正在筹备一个派对,现在是你来好好经营农场的时候了,把农场经营的前所未有的繁荣多趣哦!Piper the hep cat is throwing a party at the end of the month. It's your job to make this farm funkier than ever.

顾客们消息灵通并且十分精明,他们在购买商品时会考虑包括运费在内的总成本。Clients are hep and very astute , they can consider the totle drilling cost that includes freight inside when buying goods.

结论用细胞培养法分离泌尿生殖道沙眼衣原体是诊断其感染的最可靠方法。Conclusion CT isolated with Hep 2 cells from urogenital specimens is a specific method for the diagnosis of CT infection of the urogenital tract.

专业的工作人员在图书馆的延长的开馆时间内都会为您提供帮助及建议,旨在为您寻找学习资料提供最便捷的途径。Speciaist staff are avaiabe to offer hep and advice during the extended opening hours, which are designed to give you easier access to earning materias.

和他的谈话非常鼓舞人心,他指出了便利的网络设施对于高能物理学研究以及中美两国高能物理学合作具有的重要意义。He was very encouraging, pointing out the important benefits that good networking could make to HEP and the collaboration between China and the United States.

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在出生第一天所接种的乙肝疫苗中的硫柳汞相当于一个200磅的成年男性在一天内消费1,400罐金枪鱼罐头。So, receiving the Hep B vaccine with Thimerosal on the first day of birth is the equivalent of a 200-pound adult male consuming 1,400 cans of tuna in a single day.

这意味着那些已有肝损伤的丙型肝炎患者,饮酒将会对肝造成新的损伤,进而导致疾病进展加速。Meaning, somebody who got Hep -C that is already causing injury to the liver, giving them a second injury to the liver – like alcohol – and the disease is accelerated.

整个健康小先锋摘星计划得以完满地成功举行,本会更获沙田祟真学校致赠送感谢锦旗。Shatin Tsung Tsin Primary School express their sincere thanks to HEP of running the whole Little Health Pioneers Training course successfully by giving us the souvenir.

如果这些资料得到确认的话,那将是非常了不起的,因为有约半数的丙肝病人对目前的标准治疗无应答,而对于这些病人尚无成熟的治疗办法。If the data do hold up, it will be a big deal, because about half of all hep c patients fail the standard treatment, and no existing treatments have shown much success for those patients.

较之传统的空间配准和空间变换算法,它们更能准确地将病灶和手术工具信息显示在三维图像上,有利于实现手术导航系统的实时导航。Co. Compared with traditional methods, lesions and surgery tools information can be shown on 3-D images more clearly, which hep to realize the realtime navigation of IGS system efficiently.