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不过以垄断者的身份经营公司来保持这一地位是糟糕的路子。But operating as a monopolist is a poor way to maintain that edge.

档的领导人保证全总工拥有垄断地位。Party leaders have ensured that the ACFTU has a monopolist position.

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即便是在最坏的情况下,你也只可以说微软是个时常忏悔的意外垄断者。At worst, you can say it’s a highly repentant, largely accidental monopolist.

YKK拉链是世界拉链行业中的佼佼者,更是领导者和垄断者。YKK is the outstanding one in the world zipper trade, are leader and monopolist even more.

既然他们能确定价格,那麽所赚的,必是番本及得到租值了。Profit is an ex-post concept, the pricing power can only give monopolist the monopoly rent.

在每一个国际论坛上,这个政府都会把贫困归咎于垄断者。In every international forum, this socialist state lays claim to being a monopolist on poverty.

在本文的模型中,包含著一家多产品的独占厂商与连续分布的消费者,并于独占厂商与消费者之间存在著不对称讯息。The model in this paper uses one multi-product monopolist and a continuum of consumers, and there is asymmetric information.

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软件业的垄断者微软,宣布了一条和说唱歌手Common合作的新的服装生产线,叫做Softwear。Microsoft, the monopolist in software industry, has announced a new line of clothing, in partnership with rapper Common, called Softwear.

由于价格降低后,顾客的需求会上升,垄断巨头必须扩大生产,因此将会损失更大。Since at the new low price customers will want to buy more than before, the monopolist must expand production, thus losing even more money.

由于电子商务系统,近代大银行家垄断的货币买卖特权,现在变得公开可得。Currency transactions, which were recently privilege of the biggest monopolist banks are now publicly accessible thanks toe-commerce systems.

但是,占有整个市场,相当于我是个垄断企业,但是我的价格却高于垄断价格,那是不正确的However, then I'll have the whole market, it's as if I'm a monopolist but suddenly I'm pricing above the monopoly price, that can't be right.

本文放松这个假设求得非负解的充分条件,并应用至多产品独占厂商利润极大化定价的探讨。In this paper we relax this assumption, and apply this mathematical technique to study the profit-maximization pricing of a multi-product monopolist.

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本文从国家与盐商的法律关系的角度,分析了中国古代盐政的发展历史。This article analyzes the history of Chinese ancient salt administration from the point of the legal relationship between the salt monopolist and government.

市场上存在一个在位企业和两个潜在进入者,潜在进入者可以通过开发劣于在位企业已有技术的替代技术进入市场。Consider an incumbent monopolist faced with two potential competitors who can enter the market by developing some substitute, but inferior, production technology.

由市场价值所评估的世界第三大公司将会揭露出那条划分酷酷的暴发户和丑恶的垄断家之间的浅浅的分界线。That’s right. The world’s third-biggest company, measured by market value, is about to discover that the line between cool upstart and ugly monopolist is a very thin one.

最近,这个国有垄断者正因为调试电力系统并且导致了影响全国范围内的工业生产的大停电而焦头烂额。Most recently, the state-owned monopolist has come under fire for gaming the system and causing the electricity blackouts that have crimped industrial production across the country.

另外一个问题是,市场中有一个价格,可以理解为一种焦点价格,一个有趣的价格,这个价格是,我作为垄断企业时所选择的价格So here's the other issue, there's a price in this market, we might want to think of as the kind of focal price as an interesting price, and that's the price at which, the price I would choose were I the monopolist.