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他领导了青少年方面的研究。He led the adolescent side of the study.

你不能再有这么多懵懂的梦想。You can’t have all these adolescent dreams.

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用中脚尖旋转着的青春期驼背鲸。An adolescent humpback whale in mid-pirouette.

青少年得了假性近视怎样矫正?Did adolescent get pseudomyopia how correctional?

世卫组织孕产妇、新生儿、儿童和青少年卫生司WHO Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health

想起中学时代开始我的青春期。I think I became adolescent in my middle school days.

对于年龄在12-17岁的青少年男子,图片是不一样的。The picture was different for adolescent boys, age 12 to 17.

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儿童和青少年卫生与发育司致力于加强对青少年卫生问题的追踪工作。CAH works to strengthen tracking of adolescent health issues.

这一结果在青少年健康杂志中进行了发表。The results were reported in the Journal of Adolescent Health.

哥林多前书展示的则是青年时期的教会。Corinthians shows us a church in its sort of adolescent period.

克诺比曾是一个任性的少年,渴望成为绝地。Kenobi was a headstrong adolescent who longed to become a Jedi.

青少年社会自我水平存在性别差异。The sex differences exist in the adolescent social self-concept.

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贫血症是女性青少年中的主要营养问题。Anaemia is one of the key nutritional problems in adolescent girls.

神经性厌食症是饥饿的一种形式,它对少女有影响。Anorexia nervosa, a form of starvation, may affect adolescent girls.

但在别的时候,蒙贡-额尔德尼更像是热血青年。At other times, though, he comes across as an overzealous adolescent.

现在是麻省坎布里奇市的一名儿童青少年精神病学家。Rappaport, now a child and adolescent psychiatrist in Cambridge, Mass.

这些孩子经常成为虐待和忽视行为的牺牲品。Children with adolescent parents often fall victim to abuse and neglect.

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儿童心理学,社会心理学,青少年心里学,两性心理学。Specialized in Child Psyc, Social Psyc, Adolescent Psyc and Gender Psyc.

汤姆突然从一个有礼貌的小孩变成一个粗野的少年。Tom suddenly changed from a well- behaved child into a loutish adolescent.

缤纷色彩,为青少年丰富的想象插上了翅膀。Profusion colour, for adolescent rich imagination is inserted went up wing.