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你同样可以把它用作侧影刷。You can also use this brush for bronzer.

这是一款浅色的阴影粉,适合苍白至浅肤色。This is the light bronzer , for pale to light skin.

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奇妙的古铜色化妆品是帮助增添皮肤温暖度的关键。Subtle bronzer was key to help add warmth to her skin.

这是一款中等色号的阴影粉,适合浅至中等肤色。This is the medium bronzer , for light to medium skin.

打上黄色眼影,涂上睫毛膏,你很可能看起来很漂亮。Most likely you look great with some bronzer and a couple strokes of mascara.

如何用古铜色腮红让自己看上去可爱又健康,但又不至于显得很不自然?How can you get a lovely, healthy glow using bronzer without looking unnatural?

如果你的脸色发白,可以选择一些较古铜色的或带色彩的化妆品给脸上加点颜色。If you're pale, put on a little bronzer or tinted makeup to bring some color to your face.

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慢慢地,她开始加厚妆容,比如划上眼线,涂上古铜色亮粉,再扫点腮红。the day progresses, she starts adding on more makeup, such as eyeliner, bronzer and blush.

慢慢地,她开始加厚妆容,比如划上眼线,涂上古铜色亮粉,再扫点腮红。As the day progresses, she starts adding on more makeup, such as eyeliner, bronzer and blush.

可以单独使用,获得完美的皮肤感觉。也可以在古铜色或亚光妆前使用。Use alone for the look of flawless skin or under bronzer & make-up for a perfect matte finish.

云母的偏光也可以让眼影,腮红,阴影和高光发生变化。The tiny coloured bits of mica in eye shadows, blush, bronzer and highlighters have been altered to appear that way.

轻盈的古铜色粉创造出自然的妆容,非常容易的创造出你想要妆容。Lightweight powder bronzer creates a natural-looking, sunny glow. Blends, builds easily to your desired level of bronze.

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如果红色或者古铜色的化妆品在包里打翻了,先用卸妆水湿润一下再清理就可以完全地洗干净。If blush or bronzer breaks in your handbag, pre-moistened makeup removing wipes will clean up the loose powder flawlessly.

拿起你的化妆刷,在铜色化妆盒里轻轻地擦一下,使用比你的皮肤更暗一点眼影粉。Get hold of your makeup brush, dab it in a bronzer. An eye shadow powder that is in a darker shade than your skin tone will also do well.

只需要在前额、鼻头、颧骨和下巴处扑上一点点古铜色粉就能得到梦寐以求的日晒效果。A light swish of powder bronzer on the forehead, nose, cheekbones , and chin was all it took to achieve that sun-kissed glow they desired.

你能得到用钱买得到的最好的眼影膏,世界上最奢侈的地基,一种直接从超级模特的化妆袋里拿来的铜色化妆品。You can have the best eyeshadow money can buy, the world's most luxurious foundation, a bronzer straight from the cosmetic bag of a supermodel.

对女人的应用涉及海盗妆涂抹在眼睛周围的黑色眼线和刷古铜色,阳光自然棕色的脸。Applying pirate makeup on a woman involves smudging black eyeliner around the eye and brushing on bronzer where the sun would naturally brown the face.

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在五个颜色之一试剂盒中的粉红色和棕色的混合,使用,作为一个阳光的古铜色亲吻焕发最终轮廓脸颊,腮红或各地面突出。In five blending colors in pinks and browns in one kit, use as a bronzer for a sun kissed glow, blush for ultimate contoured cheeks or all over face highlight.