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他无处可去。He had nowhere to go.

迪西没有地方坐。Dipsy had nowhere to sit.

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没有什么地方像这儿。There is nowhere like it.

没有可躲藏之处。There was nowhere to hide.

谈判毫无结果。The negotiation got nowhere.

哪里会有爱无尽头?Nowhere there's love everlast.

这次谈判毫无结果。The negotiation leads nowhere.

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它不在这段间隔时间。It is nowhere on this interval.

老的永久链接指向“不存在”Old permalinks pointing nowhere

因为它们确实无处可去。And it really had nowhere to go.

只有罗杰·斯通杳然无踪。Roger Stone was nowhere to be seen.

他们在那里将无处可去。They have nowhere to go from there.

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先生,你能帮帮我吗?我很冷,也没地方睡觉。It's cold and I've nowhere to sleep.

她服装得整一律却无处夸口。She is hasl dressed up nowhere to go.

我们到公园里去了,其他什么地方也没去。We went to the park and nowhere else.

不能让他有任何机会接近这个职位。He should be let nowhere near the job.

我的钱肯定不够买车票。I've nowhere near enough for the fare.

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这些人无处不在,却又无影无形。These guys are everywhere and nowhere.

哈佛称王,芝加哥毫无地位。Harvard was queen, Chicago was nowhere.

世尊回答说“应无所住而生其心”。He said"our mind should dwell nowhere".