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未发现回肠粪袋息肉形成。No polyp in ileum pouch was seen.

为什么他会在结肠息肉切除?Why did he go in for colon polyp removal?

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圈套适应胃结肠有蒂息肉。Snare is suitable for the polyp with stem.

胆囊息肉切除后可以喝酒吗?。Can after is cystic polyp excised, you drink?

结肠镜检查,见无蒂息肉。On colonoscopy, a sessile polyp is seen below.

胆囊结石,胆囊息肉,肝血管瘤。Cholecystlithiasis, polyp of gallbladder , hemangioma of liver.

易与中心型肺癌、支气管息肉、哮喘等混淆。It was easy to confuse with hilar lung cancer, polyp of bronchus and asthma.

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我们报告一个以贫血为表现的炎性纤维息肉的病例。We report an unusual case of inflammatory fibroid polyp presenting with chronic anemia.

目的探讨后鼻孔息肉复发的原因及最佳手术方法。Objective To analyze the causes and the best operative methods of recurrent choanal polyp.

并举胆结石、胆囊息肉、胆囊折叠验案三则以佐证。Three cases of biliary calculus, gallbladder polyp and gallbladder folding were presented.

结肠息肉状小腺瘤可以明确分化的概念。The concept of differentiation is demonstrated by this small adenomatous polyp of the colon.

通过图示的结肠息肉状小腺瘤可以明确分化的概念。The concept of differentiation is demonstrated by this small adenomatous polyp of the colon.

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结论宫腔镜在宫颈息肉的诊断及治疗方面有较大优势。Conclusion Hysteroscopy is an effective method for diagnosis and treatment of cervical polyp.

目的评价宫腔镜诊断和处理子宫内膜息肉的价值。Objective To discuss the value of hysteroscopy in diagnosis and treatment of endometrial polyp.

探讨清醒镇静胃镜胃息肉电切术的围手术期的护理措施。To investigate nursing of gastric polyp electrocision by away-sedation gastroscope during operation.

输尿管纤维上皮息肉虽然好发率不高,但它为输尿管中胚层最常见之肿瘤。Fibroepithelial polyp is the most common mesodermal tumor in the ureter, although its incidence is low.

息肉虽然切除,只要炎症存在,切除息肉后还是会复发。Although the polyp excises, so long as the inflammation existence, after excising the polyp, will recur.

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极小的子宫颈息肉常无自觉症状,大多在妇科检查时才被发现。Minimum cervix polyp often not subjective symptom, mostly when gynecological examination was discovered.

目的对鼻息肉家系进行全基因组扫描,从而找出鼻息肉易感基因的位点。Objective To identify nasal polyp susceptibility gene locus by genome-widp scan for familial nasal polyps.

医生们至少为一位老兵与五分之三的退伍军人分别移除了其结肠直肠息肉和非息肉病性增长。The physicians removed at least one colorectal polyp or nonpolyp growth from three-fifths of the veterans.