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它总是死机。It keeps crashing.

一个由拍岸惊涛注满的海池。A sea filled pool with crashing surf.

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现在大厦倾倒.And now the edifice is crashing down.

满月下的阵阵涛声。Sounds of crashing waves under a full moon.

这两条船相撞后同时下沉。The two boats sank together after crashing.

接下来的结果便是临时政府的倒台And this is the result, this is the crashing.

大浪朝我们劈面打来。Huge waves came crashing almost on top of us.

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伊夫琳总是责备我,给我施加很大压力,因为我撞坏了她的车。I took a lot of heat for crashing Evelyns car.

建议如果蒸汽和L4D崩溃。Recommended if Both Steam and L4D is Crashing.

花瓶碎了,把瑞特·巴特勒吓了一跳。The crashing of the vase startles Rhett Butler.

花瓶的破碎声惊动了白瑞德。The crashing of the vase startles Rhett Butler.

接着是一阵轰隆隆的爆炸声。There follweed a series of crashing explosions.

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现在丛树林里响起了杂沓的脚步声。There were crashing footsteps in the brush now.

真实肯定要来冲破这个梦境了。Reality had to come crashing into the dreamland.

我总是东跌西撞的,我想自己一定是疯了。I kept crashing into things, a little crazy, I guess.

在海滩上,这叫声就和海浪拍岸的声音一样正常。It is a sound that is as common as the crashing waves.

相互撞击,或者撞击管壁。Crashing into each other or into the walls of a vessel.

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卡车撞到大树后摺在一起。The lorry had concertinaed after crashing into the tree.

墙轰地一声坍了下来,扬起一片尘土。The wall came crashing to the ground in a cloud of dust.

由于系统常出故障,两人一争就是几个小时。The fight takes hours, because the system keeps crashing.