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我会接住你的。I’ll catch you.

我们来玩抛球接球。Let's play catch.

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你能捞到吗?Can you catch any?

我能够抓到莫奇。I can catch Mocky.

我们能抓住一些。We can catch some.

好的,以后再聊。OK. Catch you later.

他没接住那个球。He fumbled the catch.

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这个锁锁不上。The lock won't catch.

我会永远接住你的。I’ll always catch you.

喏,接住你的拐棍儿,走吧。So you catch no money.

那球接得好。That was a good catch.

门闩扣不上。The bolt didn't catch.

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嗯,这里的渔获物。Well, here's the catch.

爸爸说着,就去抓马丁。He went to catch Morten.

我会的。以后再聊。I will. Catch you later!

这锁锁不上。The lock does not catch.

哪里可以搭公车?Where can I catch a bus?

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哇,你学真快!Wow, you catch on quick.

抓住老虎的脚趾头。Catch a tiger by the toe.

你敢去抓那只老鼠吗?Dare you catch the mouse?