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这种常见的金凤花是一种很受欢迎的多年生植物。The common buttercup is a popular perennial plant.

东北铁线莲为毛茛科铁线莲属植物。Clematis manshurica Rupr is from clematis of buttercup.

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我第一份工作是在当地一家叫小黄花面包房的餐厅工作,那年我22岁。I had my first job at a local diner called the Buttercup Bakery when I was 22.

但年轻病人就不能识别袋鼠、蘑菇或金凤花。But the young man was unable to recognize a kangaroo, a mushroom or a buttercup.

饿了的时候,我边啃可可树的根须边喝金凤花上的露水。When I got hungry, I could nibble on chocolate root and sip dew from a buttercup.

这些花出现在冬天首次解冻,并且在每个奶油花下面都有美丽的环状领绿叶。These seem to appear at winter's first thaw, and have a ruff of dainty green leaves beneath each buttercup flower.

太阳花色调的衬衫最好搭一件洗得发白的牛仔,金凤花色调的夹克与卡其色半身裙一起穿,再加一件裸色打底衫。So pair a sunflower shirt with pale wash jeans, or a buttercup yellow jacket with a khaki safari skirt and a nude top.

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所以太阳花色调的衬衫最好搭一件洗得发白的牛仔,金凤花色调的夹克与卡其色半身裙一起穿,再加一件裸色打底衫。So pair a sunflower shirt with pale wash jeans, or a buttercup yellow jacket with a khaki safari skirt and a nude top.

两年前,他的团队与美国威克富瑞斯特大学的研究人员合作,试著复制一只有酒瘾的猴子。His group collaborated with a team at Wake Forest University two years ago to attempt to clone an alcoholic monkey named Buttercup.

当我们从毛茛黄色的巴士上下来时正值早市,卖肉的屠夫们在他们的红色小卡车里吹响喇叭,招徕村民。As we step off the buttercup yellow bus, butchers in their little red trucks are making their morning rounds, calling to the villagers with their horns.

2002年时装潮流的主打色将会是粉色和黄色,主要是毛茛和奶油的柔黄色系列,但也有时尚专家认为2002年的流行色将会是白色。Prominent shades include coral pink and yellow, mainly in mellow tones of buttercup and cream. But trend mavens agree the big color story of 2002 is white.

与生姜的风景面包屋,巨大牛铃上放牧的草地和毛茛,包括山区野生花卉玫瑰地毯奶牛壮观。The scenery was spectacular with ginger bread houses, cows with huge cow bells grazing on buttercup meadows and a carpet of wild flowers including the Mountain Rose.

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藤壶群落的生命周期、毛茛田地的季节性形态变化或山猫家族的行为都已经是众所周知的了,但是,如果有的话,是什么原则引导了这三个群落的变化?The life cycles of barnacle communities, or the seasonal pattern of buttercup fields, or behavior of bobcat clans were all known, but what principles, if any, guided all three?