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视紫红质对于光线的探测高度敏感。Rhodopsin is highly specialized to be very sensitive to the detection of light.

不论视网膜紫质存在的原因是什么,它们所产生的能量转换也非常有趣。Whatever the cause the energy conversion that rhodopsin brings about is also of interest.

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不管是什么原因,能够进行能量转换的视紫红质本身就十分有意义。Whatever the cause, the energy conversion that rhodopsin brings about is also of interest.

蓝莓及山桑子供应紫光的视紫红质的滋养和激活视锥杆。Blueberry and bilberry supply visual purple which nourishes rhodopsin which activates cones and rods.

如果血液中维生素A水平过低,就不能合成足够的视紫质,从而导致功能型夜盲症。If there is too less Vitamin A in the blood, rhodopsin can not be synthesized enough to avoid nyctalopia.

如果这种做法是成功它可以很快转化为第一个治疗视紫红质反相。If this approach is successful it could soon be translated as one of the first treatments for rhodopsin RP.

关于视红之化学反应及暗适应能力之关系,曾加以讨论。The relationship between the chemical reaction of rhodopsin system and the dark adaptability was discussed.

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其中,维生素A是合成视紫质的原料,而视紫质是存在于人和动物视网膜内的一种感光物质。Vitamin A is material to synthesis rhodopsin which is a kind of sensitive material in human and animal retina.

结果表明,光照后,各给药组的视紫红质水平均比对照组显著性地增高。It was demonstrated that the rhodopsin levels of all given drugs groups were significantly higher than those of control groups.

这一新项目的目的是继续临床前开发这些潜在的治疗视网膜色素变性视紫红质。This new project aims to continue the pre-clinical development of these potential treatments for rhodopsin retinitis pigmentosa.

反相战斗失明以前支持发展的体外检测试验,打击毒品的不良后果这一视紫红质错误折叠。RP Fighting Blindness previously supported the development of in vitro assay to test drugs to combat the adverse consequences of this rhodopsin misfolding.

因此,我们认为,这些药物可能发展成为潜在的治疗方法,延误或阻止失明的视紫红质视网膜色素变性病人。Therefore, we believe that some of these drugs could be developed as potential treatments to delay or prevent blindness in rhodopsin retinitis pigmentosa patients.

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视紫红质可以通过提高视能力有助于在黑暗中看清东西,与此同时从电脑辐射的危害中保护我们。Also, rhodopsin helps keeping our eyes see things clearly in the dark by improving the visual ability, and at the same time protects us from the hazard of the computer radiation.