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我是个没有毅力的人。I have no stamina.

神经生长液可增强小鼠的耐力。NGD can raise stamina of mice.

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路遥知马力。Distance tests a horse's stamina.

为了增强耐力,他每天都进行跑步锻炼。He runs every day to hone his stamina.

我敬佩王逸夫的勇气和毅力。I admired Wang Yifu's courage and stamina.

康宝莱提高您的精力和体力水平。Herbalife boosts your energy and stamina level.

浪人和战士将得到比较多的耐力了。Rogues and Fighters now get a little more Stamina.

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他组织战争的经验是无与伦比的。The husky is unequalled for stamina and endurance.

它提高人的柔韧性,力量,平衡感,还有忍耐力。It can improve flexibility, strength, balance, and stamina.

和朋友比起来,我跑得慢,又不够气。I am too slow and low stamina to run compare with my friends.

他们形成了锲而不舍、坚忍不拔、顽强不屈的精神。They develop perseverance, stamina and the indomitable spirit.

终极铁铁的重要替代能源和耐力的损失。Ultimate Iron replaces iron loss for vital energy and stamina.

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体力测定采用爬绳法或爬杆法,记忆力测定采用跳台法。Use rope or pole climbing time to measure the stamina of mice.

他很聪明,身高6英尺2英寸,左脚将,耐力很好。He's intelligent, 6ft 2ins tall, left-footed with good stamina.

在马拉松比赛中,胜利的关键是耐力和平衡的节奏。In a marathon, the key to victory is stamina and a balanced pace.

还说他的防守太糟糕,因为没有足够体力和毅力。They also criticised him for being a poor tackler lacking in stamina.

当被激怒时,利爪德鲁依便展现出凶猛的力量和耐力。When riled , the Druids of the Claw display ferocious power and stamina.

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无尽的重复和无情的戏弄铸就了精神和肉体的刚毅。Endless repetitions and ruthless hazing build mental and physical stamina.

但长此以往,你自然就耐力变强,疲惫渐少。But over the long term, you'll enjoy increased stamina and reduced fatigue.

但是人们很容易失去毅力、激情,尤其是在当前的经济情况下。But it's easy to lose stamina -- and motivation -- especially in this economy.