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我主修商业专业。I majored in commerce.

他从事商业。He is engaged in commerce.

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商业使一国富足。Commerce enriches a nation.

购物是商业的主要组成部分。Shopping is a large part of commerce.

“商业贿赂”为何方神圣?Does commerce boodle " why square divine?"

而且社交商务应该走往哪里呢?And where does social commerce go from here?

这一海港曾经有繁盛的海外贸易。This harbour teemed with oceangoing commerce.

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四川嘉熙实业有限公司。Sichuan Jiaxi Industry and Commerce Co. , Ltd.

商会促进地方商业。The chamber of commerce boosts local business.

但是越南的经济是高度官僚化的。But commerce in Vietnam is highly bureaucratic.

事实上,对商业的威胁尚属远忧。Commerce is not in fact under immediate threat.

各式各样的限制阻碍了商业的发展。Commerce was clogged with various restrictions.

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波兰合作商务考察、投资服务。Polish commerce inspection, investment service.

结果证明他不适合在商界工作…A career in commerce proved uncongenial for him.

尸体的商业交易很需要这样一个争论。The commerce in cadavers begs for such a debate.

什么是现代新儒商精神?What is New Modern Confucianism Commerce Spirit?

墨丘利是商业之神。Mercury was the presiding divinity over commerce.

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肺炎病毒危及亚洲中心的商业和经济。Virus Imperils Commerce and Economy in Asian Hub.

2003年设置上海立信会计学院。Set in 2003 Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce.

又展现了古代城市的商业面貌。This is a show of the commerce of an ancient city.