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部长不喜欢听恭维话。Thee minister is averse to flattery.

Rafael认为,有些管理层是抵触改变的。In Rafeal’s opinion, some managers are change averse.

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她似乎不愿在经济上仰人鼻息。She seemed averse to being under pecuniary obligations.

他不乐意透露消息的来源。He was averse to revealing the sources of his information.

她对教堂和非国教教派的秘密集会处变得同样地不喜欢。She become equally averse to the church and the conventicle.

我会保密的,我讨厌将这件事告诉别人。I will keep it secret, I feel averse to telling itto someone.

然而,并非每个开源斗士都如此厌恶这种铜臭味。But not every open-sourcer has proven so averse to filthy lucre.

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我会看重现金和保持谨慎,短期内迴避风险。I would over-weight cash and be cautious and risk averse near term.

她是如此自命不凡,以致听不得别人的任何忠告。She was so self-conceited that she was averse to all advice from others.

爱猫者和厌恶宠物者对这种亲狗症只能翻翻白眼而已。Cat lovers and the pet averse will just roll their eyes at such dogophilia.

歹徒偷牛并乐意杀掉驱赶牛的人。Outlaws stole the cattle and were not averse to killing the men driving them.

女人并非不犯淫邪,然而她们主要的原罪是傲慢,嫉妒和忿怒。Women are not averse to lust, but are primarily occupied with pride, envy and anger.

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不过在国会反对增加开支并执行更严格调控的大背景下,运输部的请求很难获得批准。That may be a tough sell in a Congress averse to new spending and stricter regulation.

很多小孩子——甚至是来自以吃辣而闻名的国度——却拒绝接受辣椒素。Most young children, even from cultures known for their spicy recipes, are averse to capsaicin.

现在,老老实实地告诉我,令堂真的非常反对这桩婚事吗?Now, speaking without any exaggeration, is your mother really so very much averse to this marriage?

他也并不反对Orascom的发声的抗议期间他们的政治观点高级成员。He was also not averse to ranking members of Orascom voicing their political opinions during the protests.

撇开派勒克的回报,投资“两房”并不适合规避风险者或谨小慎微者。Pilecki's returns aside, investing in Fannie and Freddie is not for the risk averse or the faint of heart.

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国际投资者可能变得更加规避风险,而且有价证券的流动量可能会下降,甚至出现回流。International investors may become more risk averse and portfolio flows may be reduced or even go into reverse.

当一家人凑到一起商量什么事时,剩下的人要确保结果不会遭到反对。When the clan gets together to decide on something, rest assured the outcome will be as risk averse as possible.

虽然索雷尔的工作要靠数据说话,他也觉得一些事情不妨信点命运。Though a man whose business relies on hard data and evidence, Sorrell isn't averse to leaving some things to fate.