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金在性质上不同于铁。Gold is distinct from iron.

NCL有三个不同的区域。NCL has three distinct areas.

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我们有各种各样的光线。There are distinct lines here.

坚韧不拔有别于勇猛。Fortitude is distinct from valour.

里面有一种明显的气味。Inside there was a distinct odour.

基诺族的服装是很有特点的。Jino costumes have distinct features.

立嗣与重生是不同的。Adoption and regeneration are distinct.

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蚕丝和人造丝是两种不同的东西。Silk and rayon are two distinct things.

照片显出了明晰的影像。The photograph showed a distinct image.

带有明显紫韵的深品红色。Deep magenta with a distinct purple hue.

我要求对我的问题作出明确的答复。I want a distinct answer to my question.

我们花腰傣的服装是最特别的。Our Huayao Dai clothing is most distinct.

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其中鉴别试验改进后快速、简便、反应明显。Simple and its reaction is also distinct.

这两个调幅性质十分不同。These two modulations are quite distinct.

宁波名菜具有鲜明的特色。Ningbo famous dishes have distinct features.

在这些办法中,有12种典型。Of these 92, there are 12 distinct patterns.

这是一个独特的形态的博阿压缩。This is a distinct morph of boa constrictor.

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但是,这里有一个明显的不同。However, here there is a distinct difference.

在各个方面真丝跟人造丝截然不同。Silk is distinct from rayon in every respect.

冈根人至少有两个明显的族类。There are at least two distinct Gungan races.