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从赛马场返回的车流灯光闪耀The flashing of traffic homeward from the racetrack

中国旅游,内蒙古,科尔沁,一个赛马场。China travel, Inner Mongolia, Horqin, a racetrack. Photo by KaKa.

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对预警机跑道形巡航时的探测效能问题进行了研究。The AWACS detection effectiveness cruising along racetrack is researched.

这是长期以来公认最难的一条专业赛道。It was long considered the single toughest purpose-built racetrack in the world.

“小斑”终于有机会驰骋于赛马场上为梦想飞奔。"Baby Stripes" finally had a chance to compete with other horses on the racetrack.

说的权利-没有售后零件需要,只是头部至最接近的赛马场。That's right – no aftermarket parts are needed, just head to the nearest racetrack.

巴利克在一个赛马下注窗口胡搅蛮缠,吸引马场保安的注意。Bellick causes a disturbance at a betting window of a racetrack to distract security.

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一些富有野心的商人将单圈117英里的M25公路当作黑市赛道。Some of those high-flying traders used the M25's 117-mile circuit as an illegal racetrack.

一到冬季,赛马场盐湖涨满了水,而湖床里的石头则被冰封起来。In winter, Racetrack Playa fills with water and the lakebed's stones become encased in ice.

死亡之谷里用石头划出的道路。A stone's-eye-view of two tracks made by the sailing stones of Death Valley's Racetrack playa.

总是博彩赔率均高于在赛马场或是在高街的博彩店。Invariably the betting odds are higher than at the racetrack or in a high street betting shop.

正像风帆石的大小、形状不一,它们的组成物也在跑道干湖的各处各不相同。Like the size and shape of sailing stones, its component also varies all over the Racetrack Playa.

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在十八世纪人们把它称作卡萨斯,认为它是某种跑道。When it was called the Cursus in the eighteenth century, it was thought to be some sort of racetrack.

今人民广场和人民公园一带在解放前是著名的跑马厅。Before liberation, the area of Shanghai People's Square and the People's Park was a famous horse racetrack.

与此同时,拘留所的警察想与马宏做个交易,要他交待出在马场的其它同伙。Meanwhile, the policeman at the jail offers Mahone a deal if he trades the name of his accomplice at the racetrack.

埃尔帕索文娱中心,德州大学埃尔帕索,和桑兰公园赛车场都在15-20分钟车程。El Paso Civic Center, University of Texas at El Paso, and Sunland Park Racetrack are all within a 15-20 minute drive.

这就像你在赛道上驾驶一辆只能以10英里每小时倍数的速度行驶的汽车。It's as though you are driving a car on a racetrack and you are only allowed to go in multiples of 10 miles per hour.

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保持购车的顾客高兴,让您的高利润放在一起制作值得赛道的速度恶魔。Keep the car-shopping clientele happy and keep your profits high to put together a speed demon worthy of the racetrack.

我们目前正在研究一种雏形设计,它将运用我们在每条赛道上移动六个磁区壁的能力。We are currently working on a prototype that will exploit our ability to move half a dozen domain walls along each racetrack.

杰拉德先生是赛马专栏记者,他从路易斯安新奥尔良赛马场工作人员那得知了这个名字。Mister Fitz Gerald wrote about horse races. He heard the name used by men who worked at a racetrack in New Orleans, Louisiana.