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克斯汀·邓斯特就有一张圆圆的脸。Kirsten Dunst has a noteworthy round face.

纽约州众议员柯尔斯顿·吉利布兰德被选中填补希拉里·克林顿的职位。New York representative Kirsten Gillibrand was tapped to fill Hilary Clinton's post.

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来自加州大学旧金山分校的克里斯汀·比宾斯多明哥是主笔者。Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo at the University of California San Francisco, was the lead author.

克里斯汀·邓斯特是美国电影明星,因出演蜘蛛侠的女朋友玛丽·简·沃森而出名。Kirsten Dunst is an American movie star, famous as Spider-Man's girlfriend Mary Jane Watson.

和蜘蛛人一起展开旅程的是克里斯廷?邓斯特,她饰演。Along with him for the ride is Kirsten Dunst portraying Spider-Man's love interest, Mary Jane.

克尔斯滕表示,美国政府需要较少的规定,更重要的是采取更多行动。Kirsten said the U. S. government needs less regulation, more importantly, to take more action.

克尔斯滕·邓斯特和一位朋友观看纽约流浪者队在纽约麦迪逊广场花园的比赛。Kirsten Dunst and a guest attended a New York Rangers game at Madison Square Garden in New York City.

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克尔斯滕表示,“我们应该看看如何实施已经制定的规则,以及如何资助教育计划。”Kirsten said, we should look at how to implement the rules have been established, and how to fund education programs.

同时,他的女友玛丽简,谁扮演的是克尔斯滕,未能在她的照顾者作为一个百老汇歌手。In the meantime, his girlfriend Mary Jane, who is played by Kirsten Dunst, is failing in her carer as a Broadway singer.

纽约的参议院柯尔斯顿·吉里布朗德最近就让媒体给揪住说他说起话来像个“山谷女孩”④。Now it's everywhere. New York senator Kirsten Gillibrand recently got fricasseed in the press for talking like a Valley Girl.

纽约州代表柯尔斯顿。吉利布兰德被任命接替希拉里。克林顿留下的参议员职位。There's a new face going into the Senate. New York representative Kirsten Gillibrand was tapped to fill Hilary Clinton's post.

墙倒众人推,所有人——媒体社论、党众和立法领袖,甚至他去年任命以代替卡洛琳·肯尼迪担任参议员的克里斯蒂·基里勃朗特——都在要求他辞职。Everyone—editorial boards, party and legislative leaders, and Kirsten Gillibrand, whom he appointed senator last year instead of Ms Kennedy—is calling for him to resign.

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联合国机构的地区发言人米尔德恩说,受灾严重地区的人们缺乏水和避难所,一些疏散中心也是如此。The regional spokesperson for the U.N. agency, Kirsten Mildren, says people in the hard-hit areas face limited access to water and shelter, including evacuation centers.

比利时队上场的是走路都一瘸一拐的海宁和弗里普肯斯,她俩在今天之前已经进行的各自比赛中,都曾因伤痛接受过紧急治疗。The Belgians have gone with the walking wounded, Justine Henin-Hardenne and Kirsten Flipkens, both of whom received treatment for injuries during their matches earlier today.

同样地,学生用码表和方程式便了解到在「蜘蛛人」片里,当绿恶魔将克丝汀.邓斯特丢下桥时,托比.马奎尔不可能真的及时捞住她。Similarly students use timers and equations to learn why Tobey McGuire couldn't really have scooped up Kirsten Dunst after the Green Goblin threw her off the bridge in Spider-Man.

这些女孩可能会有早期节食的倾向,而这会妨碍她们的生长发育。Such girls may be prone to early dieting, which could impede their growth, said the study's authors Kirsten Krahnstoever Davison and Leann Lipps Birch of Pennsylvania State University.

克里斯汀·邓斯特是美国电影明星,因出演蜘蛛侠的女朋友玛丽·简·沃森而出名。Kirsten Dunst is an American movie star, famous as Spider-Man's girlfriend Mary Jane Watson. Spiderman was probably the major transition for her as she grew into adulthood as a beautiful woman.