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我想起了我的草莓。I think of my strawberry souffle.

我想起了我的草莓舒芙蕾。I think of my strawberry souffle.

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谢谢,这个干酪蛋奶酥是什么?Thank you. What's this cheese soufflé like?

一部自命不凡的杂凑,不可能真正成功。A portentous soufflé that never truly rises.

一天,希区柯克的妻子准备做一份奶酪蛋奶酥。One day, Hitchcock's wife prepared a cheese soufflé.

在搅拌做蛋奶酥的各种原料之前先要把盘子准备好。Prepare the souffle dish before making up the souffle mixture.

最后,希区柯克夫人打开烤箱,呈上了一份完美的蛋奶酥。Finally, Mrs. Hitchcock opened the oven to reveal a perfect soufflé.

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舒芙蕾也许就是鸡蛋+面粉+黄油这么简单,但忙活半天的结果却很容易大错特错。It may be just eggs, flour and butter, but a soufflé can go oh so wrong.

乳酪蛋奶酥这样的菜肴从一开始就出现在菜单上。Dishes such as the cheese souffle have been on the menu since the beginning.

因为我们认为要去甘愿接受痛苦是引起心理痛苦的必定结果。Increasing our availability to pain, we think, is just a recipe for anguish soufflé.

苦巧克力夹心的激情水果酥和山羊奶冰淇淋相当美味。The passion fruit soufflé with bitter chocolate pavé and goats' milk ice cream is delicious.

那之后的周六我依旧和朋友们一起用晚餐,我又一次决定做克罗夫而干酪。The next Sunday I also had friends to dinner, and I decided to make the Roquefort soufflé again.

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但是,双边交易只不过是意大利面条,而多边贸易协定则是法国蛋奶酥。But a spaghetti bowl of bilateral deals is not the same as the soufflé of a multilateral trade pact.

根据白宫公布的菜单,其中包括烤火鸡、酸莓糕、平锅玉米面包、黄油土豆泥、以及南瓜派等。The menu also included jellied cranberry molds, whipped sweet potato souffle and pumpkin mousse trifle.

倒入模具中,放入烤箱约7-8分钟,直至中央抛起并形成酥皮。立即食用。Spoon into soufflé dish. Bake in middle of oven until puffed and crusted on top, 7-8minutes. Serve immediately.

我挺着急的,因为假如我的法语水平连两行的地址都说不清,那就甭想学会做舒芙蕾了。I'm anxious. If my French isn't good enough to convey a two-line address, it certainly won't sustain a soufflé lesson.

烤箱预热250摄氏度。在模具内壁涂上奶油,拍上可可粉,敲去多馀的粉末,放入冰箱冷藏室。Preheat oven to 250℃. Generously butter soufflé dish and sprinkle with cocoa powder, knocking out excess. Keep it in the fridge.

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谁又会去教她们如何跑马拉松,如何开一家餐馆,或是写一本书,和如何做最脆的起酥呢?Who's the person that's gonna tell them if they want to run a marathon, open a restaurant, write a book, cook the hardest soufflé.

蕴含来自社群贸易的乳木果。它就像一对无形手套,为双手提供无微不至的呵护。Almost like an invisible pair of gloves. This moisturising souffle with Community Trade shea butter wraps hands in serious protection.

而香草的味道确是例外的,他觉得罗拉马斯亚的法国香草身体乳“舔起来”不错。The singular exception to this rule is vanilla. The men thought Laura Mercier’s French Vanilla Soufflé Body Crème was “lickably good.”