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你们可能想我有点夸张。You may think I am a little highfalutin.

那位说了那么多好听的话的年青人最后得到她了么?Did that young man who spoke so highfalutin ' get her?

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我觉得你说话的口气有一点自大。I think that the way you said is a little highfalutin.

我甚至知道四岁才开始说话,这种情况说夸张点,叫自闭症。I didn't even speak until I was four. There's a highfalutin name for this condition. Autism.

总统拒绝由联邦直接干预来帮助失业者,还找了一堆冠冕堂皇的理由。The president gave highfalutin reasons for denying direct federal assistance to the unemployed.

把碰巧进入头脑的东西写出来,采用急不可耐的、妄自尊大的口气。Proceed to pronounce on anything that happens to come to mind. Use a tone that is urgent and highfalutin.

也不知谁说的,说这样吃有营养,嘿,反正总能为这张馋嘴找到冠冕堂皇的借口的。Also do not know who said that, say to eat nutritious, hey, I can always find this piece piggish highfalutin excuse.

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尽管是关于诺贝尔奖得主和艺术家们的冠冕堂皇的言辞,然而这些方法都可以应用到日常生活中。Despite all the highfalutin talk of Nobel Prize winners and artists, all of these methods can be applied to everyday life.

要知道,条条大路通罗马,虽然有时候脑子里总是会先想到一些不切实际又昂贵的方法。And again. Know that there are many ways to do any task. Sometimes the first thing that comes to mind is some highfalutin , expensive way.

必须是发自内心的自救才能是最有效的,确实,说那些冠冕堂皇的空话是无济于事的。Must be that sending inward saving self from ability is the most effective , saying those highfalutin empty talks indeed, is of no help to the matter.

牢房里,小秋已经展开了审问,刘志的档案一片空白,小秋自知必有文章,但刘根本不做任何解释,甚至对小秋冠冕堂皇的借口予以嗤笑。In the cell, Pelle has launched interrogation, Liu Zhi files a blank, it will be the Pelle, but Liu did not make any explanation, even to scorn on highfalutin excuse pelle.

这里就要引入递归的概念了,你们中有多少人以前听过这个词?,你们中有多少人在编程语言中,用过这个词?,很好,剩下的同学也不要担心,这是电脑科学家们用来让自己,显得更聪明的夸张词汇。How many of you have heard the term used before? How may have you heard the term used before in terms of programming languages? Great. For the rest you, don't sweat it. This is a highfalutin term that computer scientists use to try and make them look like they're smarter than they really are.