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你在吃饭的时候流汗很多。You perspire a lot when you are eating.

冷杉分泌出一种质地优良的松树胶。The firs perspire a fine balsam of turpentine.

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夏天脚为什么老脱皮出汗???。Summer foot why does old desquamate perspire? ? ?

尽管这时还是冬天,我却浑身都被汗湿透。And in spite of its being winter I would perspire all over.

睡觉老出汗。恶心。这是什么症状?。Sleep to often perspire. Disgusting . What symptom is this?

下面这些事,只有很容易出汗的人才干理解。Here are things only people who are prone to perspire would understand.

中毒者大量出汗、吐血,一小时内就会丧命。The victim will perspire heavily, vomit blood, and collapse within an hour.

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吃了补气补血的药以后夏天比较能出汗吗?Ate to fill can after enraging the medicine that enrich the blood, summer perspire quite?

植物神经功能障碍,出汗增多,病人经常出汗。Obstacle of function of ④ plant nerve, perspire grow in quantity, the patient often perspires.

人体无法排汗意味着任何一个热天或者剧烈的活动都会让他们中暑。The human body has no way to perspire implying any hot weather or the acute activity may let them get sunstroke.

怕热不易出汗,不过一出汗就会全身痒。请问是什么原因?Be afraid that heat perspires not easily, perspire nevertheless itch with respect to meeting whole body. What reason be excuse me?

发觉全身湿透,许梅兰还以为出汗的缘故,用手一摸黏黏的,原来是血。Discover whole body drench, Xu Mei Lan still thinks to perspire of cause, just touch sticky mucopeptide of, is a haematoporphyrin.

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不久后,我开始流汗,祖父指着天空说“看,妳看见了吗?那是妳的一部分。And after a while I began to perspire. And he pointed up to the sky, and he said, "Look, do you see that? That's part of you up there."

昆明步行街上N多铜像中的一个,以前发过,现在这个是雨中的,像不像刚是出汗?Kunming's walking street in the bronze statues, once delivered before, now the is in rain of, was like to be unlike to just be to perspire?

但如果大量排汗时没有足够的水量补充,身体会进入失水状态,严重了会导致小或大的身体问题。However, if you perspire a lot without drinking enough fluids, your body can dehydrate, and this can cause both minor and major health problems.

即使你没游泳,防晒霜的防晒效果也会消褪,特别是流汗的时候。而防晒衣服的防晒保护洗也洗不掉。Sunscreen comes off, even when you're not swimming, particularly in places where you perspire. But with clothing, the protection doesn't wash off.

不要理会别人诧异的目光,你可以告诉他们你有脚气,穿拖鞋不会出汗。Ignore others' surprising impression , or you can just tell them that you have dermatophytosis, and only wearing baboosh that your feet won't perspire.

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给你点阳光你就灿烂,给你个笑容你就放电,给你件棉袄你就出汗,给你筐饲料你就下蛋。Give you point sunlight you brilliant, give you smiling face you turn on electricity and give you piece quilted jacket you perspire and give you basket animal feed you lay egg.