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乔治是个有趣的老家伙。George is a funny old bugger.

乔治是个有趣的老家伙。George eis a funny old bugger.

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真倒霉,我没赶上飞机!Bugger it! I've missed my plane!

该诅咒的价钱—我要最好的。Bugger the cost—I want the best.

她叫记者离开那里。She told the reporters to bugger off.

你想干什么,你这个愚蠢的老家伙?What are you doing, you silly old bugger?

我昨天对那卑鄙的家伙打了几枪。I got off a few shots at the bugger yesterday.

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我偏偏就只是不爽这个扑街看我的部落格!I just HATE this PARTICULAR bugger to read my blog only!

你会变成酒馆里那个没人理的无聊的老家伙。That boring old bugger in the pub that nobody wants to sit beside.

我想,我能看到的最栩栩如生的画面可能就是这个家伙把我的牙齿吐出来。And I think the one thing that seemed most vivid to me was watching that little bugger spit my teeth out.

然后在小家伙需要大小便遛弯之前快递公司人员将会回来。And then the delivery company would be back before the little bugger needed to poop and pee and be walked.

但现在他们是在公寓里,游戏可以直接以不公平开始,虫人不像在真实战争中那样可以逃跑隐藏。But here in their flat, the game would start mean, and the bugger couldn't just go empty and quit the way buggers did in the real wars.

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你绝不会相信夸耀和正义的愤怒会让你感觉多满足,特别是但有同性恋的危险。You won't believe just how satisfying the special combination of pomposity and righteous indignation can make you feel, especially when there's bugger all at stake.

这样我们就有了更多可持续的,破坏力更小的替代能源,要比以前那些破坏大气层,污染食物和水源的物质要好得多。It would be good to have a wide variety of renewable and low impact solutions available before we completely bugger up the atmosphere and our food and water supplies.

这个宝藏在厦门胡里山炮台,在那儿你可以找到据说是世界最大的大炮,我不知此说法的真假,但那确实是个大家伙。The cache is inside the Huli Shan Fort in Xiamen. Here you can find the allegedly world's biggest cannon. I don't know if it is true or not, but that thing is one big bugger.