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万圣节快乐!Happy Halloween Debby.

我吃光了你的万圣节糖果。I ate all your Halloween candy.

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万圣节我该打扮成什么模样?What should I be for Halloween?

十月第三十一是万圣节。October thirty-first is Halloween.

那万圣节的主色调是什么呢?What do the children do in Halloween?

你有没有在万圣节扮鬼,巫婆呢?。Have you ever dressed up at Halloween?

那万圣节就是你的节日了!Then Halloween is the holiday for you!

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这些人在万圣节会怎么样捉弄人呢?。How do people play tricks at Halloween?

万圣节黑夜定向赛及派对!Halloween Night Orienteering and party !

南瓜也是万圣节的标志性象征。Pumpkins are also a symbol of Halloween.

它是哪一年的万圣节前夜被毁掉的?What year was it destroyed on Halloween?

此外,还有万圣节聚会。and you know, there's Halloween parties.

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并有特殊的鬼节和舞牦牛。And have special Halloween and dance yak.

这儿的万圣节之夜变味了。Halloween here is just a different thing.

在万圣节之夜我该如何准备?How should I prepare for Halloween night?

蜘蛛网是一个典型的万圣节工艺品。Spiderwebs are a classic Halloween craft.

玉米糖是我最喜欢的万圣节糖果。Candy corn is my favorite Halloween candy.

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万圣节我们一起聚聚怎么样?。How about we go on a Halloween double-date?

万圣节的一天,家里门铃响了。丁冬.。One Halloween our doorbell rang. Ding Dong.

门阶上摆着万圣节前夜的南瓜灯。A Halloween jack-o’-lantern on the doorstep.