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想想凯恩斯现在会做什么呢?And what would Keynes do now?

评论者格里克在我关于凯恩斯的文章下说的很好Commenter Greg has a good point on my Keynes post

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凯恩斯同经济学家费雪不可同年而语。Keynes was no where near the economist Fisher was.

这个市场的不可逆料即便是凯恩斯先生再世也只能徒唤奈何。The abnormalities in the market would have confused even Mr Keynes.

而且它从敬爱的葛兰西、马克思和凯恩斯那儿获得了强有力的观点。And it had potent ideas from the likes of Gramsci and Marx and Keynes.

同时,无论对宏观经济还是微观经济都有着重要影响。Consumption theory is the footstone of Keynes macro-economics , and it.

在书中,凯恩斯创建了现在所说的宏观经济学。In that book, Keynes created the discipline now known as macroeconomics.

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凯恩斯主义者们恐怕也要从这位德国“家庭主妇”那里取取经啦。Keynes may have some lessons to learn after all from the German hausfrau.

但是,阿克洛夫和希勒,却指责“信心”具有消极性,这一点又与凯恩斯背道而驰。But Akerlof and Shiller give it a negative charge that is alien to Keynes.

“小小屋”位于弥尔顿·凯恩斯附近的一个精致富有魅力的小村庄——温斯洛中。The Just so Cottage is in a very cute town, Winslow, near to Milton Keynes.

这证明了约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯确确实实不懂得自己在说什么。It goes to show that John Maynard Keynes really had no idea what he was reading.

凯恩斯认为,在极端情况下,政府能通过雇人挖土坑的方式刺激需求。Keynes argued that governments, in extremis, could boost demand by digging holes.

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约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯去世65年了,却仍惊人地存在着。FOR someone who’s been dead for 65 years, John Maynard Keynes has amazing presence.

我们不知道美国会不会变成凯因斯所说的香蕉共和国。We don't want our country to evolve into the banana-republic economy described by Keynes.

用不了多久,市场上购销两旺,生产线生气勃勃,贷款扶摇而上,于是乎,凯恩斯的书又回了书架。In time, purchasing, production and loans perk up, and Keynes is placed back on the shelf.

凯恩斯最后一次在布雷顿森林会议上发言时,世界仍然处于战争之中。When Keynes gave his last speech at the Bretton Woods conference, the world was still at war.

然而,凯恩斯所说的和现在克鲁格曼现在所鼓吹是有几个不同之处的。There are, however, real differences between what Keynes wrote and what Krugman now advocates.

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凯恩斯等人在第二次世界大战的隆隆炮声中创建了这个体系,既有理论基础,又有实际行动。What Keynes and others achieved, even as World War II raged, combined ideas backed by actions.

约翰•梅纳德•凯恩斯数年前也提出了类似的建议,称全球货币为“Bancor”。John Maynard Keynes had made a similar proposal a few years before, calling his asset "Bancor".

我们在找这个乡间公园,但转错了弯,结果到了弥尔顿凯因斯。We were looking for this country park but took the wrong turning and landed up in Milton Keynes.