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权值是量测一个路由的可取性的值。The metric is a value that measures the desirability of a route.

一件事发生的可能怀与它受欢迎的程度成反比。Probability of anything happening is inverse ratio to its desirability.

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对于“大”政府的可取性历久不衰的争论还在继续。Longstanding quarrels over the desirability of “big” government continued.

可取的绿色与蓝色的水是蓝色的事,因此,个人的口味。The desirability of greenish -blue vs. blue aqua is thus a matter of personal taste.

继续争论中非关系的可取性已经毫无意义了。To continue arguing about the desirability of the relationship no longer makes any sense.

在不同的情况下。这些概念的精确性和具体性有所变化。These conceptions vary in the precision and specificity of their criteria of desirability.

她接着还写了不少文章,为糟糕的男性行为辩解,兜售自己的希翼。She has gone on to write articles that excuse bad male behavior and tout her own desirability.

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这个标准,也就是墨子用以证明兼爱最可取的主要标准。This same standard is the chief one used by Mo Tzu to prove the desirability of all-embracing love.

奥巴马今年定下了基调,强调美国需要奉行务实性全球伙伴关系。Obama set the tone this year, stressing the desirability of pursuing a pragmatic global partnership.

这种想法的全部问题在于一个广为流传的假设,那就是积极性就是欲望。The whole problem with this thinking is a widespread assumption that positivity equals desirability.

由于第一个例子中数学期望的范围差异度很大,这就减少了重仓集中在这个股票的意愿。The wider range of expectation in the first case reduces the desirability of heavy concentration in it.

他们要求从创意,可靠度,吸引力和独一无二性上评选。They were asked to bear in mind factors such as originality, authenticity, desirability and uniqueness.

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我和波拉克在是否应该给孩子们英语教育这个问题上经常展开激烈的争论。Polak and I had often very heated discussions about the desirability of giving the children an English education.

时尚被重新定义为轻浮和女人味,高跟鞋成为“傻白甜”形象的有力辅助。Fashion was redefined as frivolous and feminine, and the high heel became a potent accessory of ditsy desirability.

消费者的担忧已引起讨论对转基因食品加贴标签使能作出知情选择的可取性。Consumer concerns have triggered a discussion on the desirability of labelling GM foods, allowing an informed choice.

现在独立的男人想要粘人的女子来衬托他的男子气概,并在他的朋友面前肯定他的吸引力。Independent man now wants a clingy woman to endorse his manliness and confirm his desirability in front of his mates.

学生参与提出问题,学生就有了解决问题的愿望和自觉性。The students participate in asking questions, so that they can have the desirability and consciousness to solve them.

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我认识到在时尚成衣中美丽和吸引力是让衣服穿着寿命长久和品质持久的关键。I recognise that beauty and desirability in a fashion garment are essential to give the garment longevity and quality.

其结果,高储备国家可能需要重新评估是否希望继续进行储备积累以及这样做是否具有可持续性。As a result, high-reserve countries may need to reevaluate the desirability and sustainability of continued reserve accumulation.

方法对190名聋哑儿童的儿童社会期望与父母教养方式进行测试。Methods The Children's Social Desirability and Parental Rearing Patterns of 190 Deaf-mute Children were tested by using CSD and EMBU,.