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他讨厌虚伪不知道怎么伪装自己。He hated falseness and did not know how to pretend.

逃离不洁与罪恶,并躲避一切虚谎。Fleeing unclean and evil and evading all other falseness.

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我们已经探索过了,发现了它的真实或者它的谬误。We have explored it and discovered the truth or the falseness of it.

她说灯火通明,但我知道在她的声音虚假。She remarked brightly, but I was aware of the falseness in her voice.

莎拉恼怒而痛苦地看到她用爱筑起的殿堂被那个男人的虚假摧毁。Sara saw with rage and pain the edifice of her love destroyed by that man's falseness.

该剧虚实相生的枢纽是超自然力量。The hinge of the interaction between falseness and trueness is the supernatural power.

但是没有人比罗马教皇和坎特伯雷大主教更清楚他的虚伪奸险。But no one knew the falseness of his heart better than the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury.

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高中学生语文叙事文的写作普遍存在虚假、空洞、不鲜活的病症。The writing of narrative in Senior Chinese commonly exists in falseness , devoid of content and dullness.

虚拟粉碎了现实性的真假界限,产生了真的假和假的真。Virtual reality shatters the boundaries of truth and false, and produces a real falseness and false truth.

一对年轻情侣漫步在沙滩上,甩着手臂,肉麻地讨论着他们对彼此的感情。A young couple was walking along a beach, swinging hands and discussing their mutual affection with gooey falseness.

通常我们甚至不承认自己的虚假,然而,我们期望其他人是可信的,并且看待我们自己也是可信的。Usually we don't even acknowledge our own falseness and yet we expect others to be authentic and to see us as authentic.

采用RAPD标记技术对在云南省种植的不同类型玉米构建指纹图谱,在种子检验中用于鉴别种子真伪。The fingerprinting of different types of maize was established by RAPD in order to distinguish truth and falseness of samples in seed test.

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显然,莎翁虚实手法的运用与其喜剧浪漫艺术和喜剧理想的密切相关。Obviously, Shakespeare's use of the falseness -trueness techniques is closely related to his romantic art of comedy and his ideal of comedy.

因此,看到依靠时间作为一种克服暴力,进而从这一冲突中解脱的手段是一个虚妄的过程,看到这一点很重要。So, it is important to see the falseness of the process of depending on time as a means of overcoming violence, and thereby be free of that process.

思维过程只有当我了解把思维作为一种实现某种愿望的手段的假相或者把思维作为一种逃避痛苦的假相时才能终结。The thought process ceases only when I understand the falseness of the thought process as a means of achieving a desirable end, or of avoiding a painful one.

作为一种思想原则,“和”演化出了诸如虚实、情景、文质、风骨、奇正等一系列相对范畴的精湛论述和运用,对后世美学艺术观产生了深远的影响。Thirdly, as a thinking principle, union begets a series of exquisite terms like falseness and truth, scene, etc. exerting a profound influence on the late-coming aesthetic art.

从目前国外情况看,存在三种非法证据排除规则理论,即虚伪排除理论、人权保障理论和违法控制理论。There are three kinds of exclusionary rule of unlawfully obtained evidence in foreign countries, such as falseness exclusion, human rights protection and unlawful action control.

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可持续发展理论的内在缺陷主要表现为立论基础的虚假性和实践模式的空泛性,导致这些缺陷的根本原因在于资本关系逻辑。The innate defects of the sustainable development theory lie in the falseness of its argument basis and the vagueness of its practical mode, which result from the capital relations.

然而,如果我们真的看清了所有这些东西的谬误,不只是从智力上了解,而是用我们的身心深刻地感受到,那么才有可能实现兄弟关系。Whereas, if we really see the falseness of all these things, not only perceive it intellectually but really feel it completely with our mind and heart, then there is a possibility of brotherhood.

杨冕的作品正是以一种反讽与调侃的形式暗示出这种超量的存在和亲情的虚伪性,并试图解救出图像背后的本质。Yang Mian's artworks are just implying such existence of overwhelming quantities and falseness of kindred relations with his irony and teases way, and trying to find the essence behind the images.