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非常禅!Very zen.

我是如此的充满禅意。I am so ZEN.

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白的...Zen in white.

这是交际的禅宗。It's social Zen.

为什么要过“禅僧”般的生活呢?Why live more like a Zen monk?

参禅亦称坐禅。Zen meditation is called Zazen.

这样的置业本身就有一股禅味了吧。This home itself is an Zen of it.

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凝神于心,禅意斐然。Focus on the heart, Zen strikings.

关于少林内劲一指禅的起源。Shaolinon one of the origin of Zen.

狐禅门现在个什么情况?Fox Zen about what the situation is now?

做一个桌上神宗园是一件容易事。Making a desktop zen garden is very easy.

这是一座简朴但极具禅意的古寺。This is a very simple but the Zen temple.

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他的文章题咏,也经常禅味十足。His articles are strongly flavored of Zen.

哦,您好!我想找玛丽亚?赞恩。Oh, hello. I wanted to speak to Maria Zen.

还有什么比一点安静更禅宗了呢?What can be more Zen than a bit of silence?

传统的禅宗静修就是在安静中进行的。Traditional Zen retreats are held in silence.

有些年轻人研究禅宗佛教或伊斯兰巴哈教派的教义。Some young people study Zen Buddhism or Bahai.

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禅师将再一次带领湖人向总冠军发起挑战。The Zen master will lead the Lakers once more.

这里的和尚修炼的是禅宗佛教。The monks here practise Seon, or Zen Buddhism.

打坐基本上就是坐着。Zazen is basically the center of Zen practice.