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跳进和级进Disjunct versus conjunct?

旋律可以级进或者跳进So, melodies can be conjunct or disjunct.

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接下来是级进旋律We also have what we call conjunct melodies.

如果用级进,就会更容易And if you have conjunct motion, that makes it easier.

这两段是圣诞颂歌,本质都是级进Those are two Christmas carols that are very conjunct in nature.

这是级进的音乐,连续的音乐呢,还是轻快,跳跃的音乐呢Is this conjunct music--step-wise music-- or jumpy, skippy music?

您将如何将您的国外市场的经验应用到国内市场?How do you plan to conjunct your experience from abroad to China market?

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这次的满月将会联合冥王星,展示充满的能量。The full moon will be conjunct Pluto, indicating quite a powerful force.

众所周之,土星与太阳呈合相是一个沉重的重要现象。Admittedly, Saturn conjunct the Sun can seem like a weighty, heavy aspect.

当字音成窜出现的时候,需要使用特殊的连结字母。When consonants occur together in clusters, special conjunct letters are used.

会击倒两个最有威胁的目标的其中一个,持续时间为10秒。Conjunct – Will knockdown one of his 2 most threatening targets for 10 seconds.

海王星将合取太阳,暗示父亲海王星可能要进来!Neptune will be conjunct the Sun, suggesting Father Neptune may want to come in!

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一个更大的点将会在二月27或28号的周末发生,当木星与太阳相交。An even bigger aspect will occur over the weekend of February 27-28 when Jupiter will conjunct the Sun.

果肉与种子中钙的积累应该是多种激素共同作用的结果。The accumulation of calcium in flesh and seeds should result from the conjunct effects of many hormones.

水星合火星水星跟火星的合相增加你的智能和产生非常敏捷的头脑。Mercury conjunct Mars Mercury and Mars in conjunction increases your mental energies and produces a very sharp mind.

今天,我们会仔细看看正在进行的木星共同的海王星,这将影响到我们所有人为12年。Today we'll take a closer look at the ongoing Jupiter conjunct Neptune, which will affect us all for 12 years to come.

虚拟演播室是传统演播室的色键技术与计算机图形图像处理技术结合的产物。Virtual studio is the conjunct product of traditional studio chroma key technique and computer image processing technique.

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土星联合海王星会让你这个月成为一个货真价实的演说家或是充满想象力的作者,特别是5月27日。Jupiter conjunct Neptune will allow you to be a sterling speaker or imaginative writer all month, but especially so May 27.

两种原子论同中存异的现象是历史的必然与可能结合的结果。The phenomenon of difference in homology in two atomisms is the conjunct result of historical inevitability and probability.

从实证角度上看,有?据表明横越式句型的成分提取仅起始于第一个并列项而已。Empirically, there is evidence to show that the extracted element of ATB constructions is originated in the first conjunct only.