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帕默叫他的司机靠边停下车。Palmer has his driver to pull over.

杰克打电话给帕默,请求与之一晤。Jack phones Palmer and asks to see him.

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或许我们能让奇利·帕尔默也这么死?。Maybe we could get Chili Palmer up here?

他说服帕默与雪莉商量一下。He convinces Palmer to consult with Sherry.

你好,我是帕莫先生。,有什么我能帮忙的吗?Hello, I'm Mr Palmer. , Can I help you folks?

帕默极为恼火,叫诺维克联系上卡尔。Palmer is furious and has Novick contact Carl.

“伙计,我觉得豺狼在吃那具尸体。”帕尔默嗓子哽住了。"I think it's eating him, man, " Palmer choked.

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帕默向他儿子保证,他会在他需要的时候身边陪伴他。Palmer assures his son that he is there for him.

在这种情况下,被称为帕默多汗症。In this case it is known as Palmer hyperhidrosis.

特勤处送帕默返回了酒店套房。Secret Service returns Palmer to the hotel suite.

帕默,你的研究里涉及到多少种进制?How many bases has your research involved, Palmer?

帕默将莫林.金丝利宣称的事告诉了卡尔。Palmer tells Carl about Maureen Kingsley’s accusation.

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但律政司帕尔默听到行动的呼吁。But Attorney General Palmer heard the calls for action.

在离开之前,帕默为自己错误地判断了杰克向他道歉。Before he leaves, Palmer apologizes for misjudging Jack.

他确信基思会被裁决为无罪。Palmer is convinced that Keith will be deigned innocent.

柯克·帕尔莫是世界上收入最高的少年演员之一。Keke Palmer is one of the highest paid teen TV actresses.

帕默与他老婆对质,问是否是她指示基思去找卡尔。Palmer confronts his wife about her sending Keith to Carl.

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在第三十八轮投票中,帕尔默放弃他对代表的控制。Palmer released his delegates on the thirty-eighth ballot.

帕默已经将那盘自白录音带交给了当局。Palmer turned over the confession tape to the authorities.

安德烈告诉杰克,他们知道帕默仍然活着。Andre tells Jack that they know that Palmer is still alive.