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使用香波擦头发的时间应持续28秒,包括20下按摩。Lathering should last 28 seconds and involve 20 rubs.

他用热水泼着脸,又往脸上抹肥皂,好让他的刮胡刀更好使。Sloshing his face with hot water, lathering up soap and hoping his.

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涂完肥皂沫,他的手开始在泡沫里揉差。He finished lathering , and then began to rub in the suds with his hand.

如果没有足够的水,这些气泡的液体就无法从瓶子里倒出来了。Without enough of it, the lathering liquid wouldn’t pour from the bottle.

在这以后即使我不使用泡沬之类的,皮肤也特别光滑干净。After this my skin is really illuminous and clean even though there was no lathering.

可是卡尔却站在那儿往脸上抹肥皂,全然不动声色。And yet Carl is standing there lathering his face and not a single detail is altered.

使用此液体肥皂揉出丰富泡沫轻轻清洗你的整个身体,脸,甚至你的头发。Use this rich lathering liquid soap to gently cleanse your entire body, face, and even your hair.

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是含有起泡剂和防腐剂儿童香波的完美替代品。The perfect alternative to baby soaps that contain harsh lathering agents and paraben preservatives.

造型师说冲洗头发的时间应该是揉起泡的时间的两倍,并且永远不要用热水。Stylists say it's imperative to rinse your hair for twice the amount of time as lathering on product and never use hot water.

水。这种基本成分在一瓶洗发水中高达百分之八十。如果没有足够的水,这些气泡的液体就无法从瓶子里倒出来了。Water. Up to 80 percent of shampoo is this basic element. Without enough of it, the lathering liquid wouldn't pour from the bottle.

这种方式是专家们研究了500多名志愿者湿发、洗发和过水的方法后得出的。Tests were carried out over six-months on more than 500 volunteers to examine different methods of wetting, lathering and rinsing hair.

如果皮肤有炎症,洗凉水澡更舒适,而在体温水平的水中洗澡可能会有痛感。Cool shampoos are more soothing if there is an inflamed skin, whereas shampoos at body temperature will give better lathering qualities.

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适用于混合型皮肤和油性皮肤,本产品可以有效的清洁面部的油脂。Suitable for combination or oily skin, this lathering cleanser is formulated to remove excess oil and dirt effectively from the skin's surface.

本无泪配方的洗发沐浴液,富含天然燕麦萃取精华,可以在清洗的同时不引起宝宝的皮肤干燥。This tear-free wash and shampoo contains natural oat extract blended into a rich lathering cleanser that cleans without drying baby's delicate skin.

是含有起泡剂和防腐剂儿童香波的完美替代品,你将喜爱上全天然的,让人舒心的宝宝味道。The perfect alternative to baby shampoo that contain harsh lathering agents and paraben preservatives. You'll love the natural, delightful baby-fresh scent.

高达百分之82的情侣冒险到卧室之外性爱,彼此涂抹肥皂沫,清洁身子,然后在淋浴下或浴缸中做起来。A whopping 82 per cent of couples keep it clean by lathering each other up and making love in the shower or bath when they venture outside of their own bedroom.

无皂和pH值平衡凝胶轻轻揉出泡沫丰富的泡沫了污染物,化妆品和添加了维生素E支持多余油脂,使肌肤舒缓和软化。Soap-free and pH-balanced rich lathering gel gently foams away pollutants, makeup and excess oil, with added support from vitamin E, leaving skin soothed and softened.

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他喜欢用獾毛刷在脸上涂上刮胡泡,然后用双层刀片剃须刀刮去胡子,不过这个实在很费时间,他只有在周末才有时间享受这个过程。J. , is searching for a new shave. He enjoys lathering up with a badger-hair brush and wielding a double-edge blade, but it's so time-consuming he does so only on weekends.

第二天中午时分我去敲他的房门,他已起床了,在抹肥皂刮胡子,从他脸上看不出什么来,甚至看不出他会不会对我说实话。Around noon next day I knock at his door. He's up already and lathering his beard. Can't tell a thing from the expression on his face. Can't even tell whether he's going to tell me the truth.

“天刚亮就打了匹狼,”第二天傍晚Jack在削土豆的时候Ennis对他说,Ennis用热水泼着脸,往脸上抹上肥皂以防脸被剃刀给刮了。Shot a coyote just first light, " he told Jack the next evening, sloshing his face with hot water, lathering up soap and hoping his razor had some cut left in it, while Jack peeled potatoes."