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我没意料到那个。I had't anticipate that.

我期待着你的成功。I anticipate your success.

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我期待将有许多充满乐趣的日子。I anticipate many fun-filled days.

预计饮片有效期为两年。We anticipate the validity time as two years.

我预料大家只有感激赞许。I anticipate nothing but grateful approbation.

独自一人的时候,你怎么样推测你的感受?How do you anticipate your feeling at being alone?

我以极大的兴趣期待着读这本书。I anticipate reading the book with great interest.

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再一次的,让我猜猜你的反应吧。Once again, let me anticipate your likely reaction.

一位好的将军总要想法先发制敌。A good general always tries to anticipate the enemy.

你是否能预料到症状开始的时间?Can you anticipate when your symptoms are coming on?

因为预先做出反应远比事后补救便宜的多。It's much cheaper to anticipate rather than respond.

我们预感中国对这一品牌的需求会相当强劲。We anticipate strong demand for this brand in China.

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我们预计这些辩论将引发更多的讨论。We anticipate this debate will be the first of many.

要预见到他们会犯的错误并努力避免发生。Anticipate what they will be and try to prevent them.

分析人士已经对此次追尾事故的深远后果进行了预测。Analysts already anticipate far-reaching consequences.

预计一下你是否会想要驾船参加速度赛。Anticipate whether you may want to race your sailboat.

凯利的双亲认为他不久就会回家。His parents anticipate Garys return home will be soon.

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每一方都试图预测另一方的行动。Each side tries to anticipate the actions of the other.

历尽艰难摸索岁月。假如我能预料到结果。Hardships grope for years. If I can anticipate results.

我们要制敌先机抢先攻占那个城市。Let's anticipate the enemy's move and occupy that city.