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第四章是对艺术产业域的技术问题探讨。"Copy- promulgate" is the key for analyses about art-industry's technology.

每次招标将由招标委员会提前一个月发布公告。The Bidding Committee will promulgate proclamations one month prior to the bidding.

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美术是人类文化发展和传播的重要载体之一。To enhance the communication among public and to promulgate the idea of science and art.

学校应订定性别平等教育实施规定,并公告周知。The school shall erect regulations to implement gender equity education, and promulgate them.

美术是人类文化发展和传播的重要载体之一。Art is one of the important carriers for the culture of the mankind to develop and promulgate.

1620年,耶稣会士艾儒略开始进入山西传播天主教教义。Jules Aleni, the society of Jesus, arrived Shanxi Province in 1620 in order to promulgate Catholicism.

对于逃至敏感地区的士兵,统治者还颁布了一些特殊的法律条文。And the rulers promulgate some special regulations for the soldiers decamping to the sensitive districts.

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前几日看电视,说铁道部又开始颁布新的列车提速标准。Before a few days watch TV, say the railway ministry begins to promulgate new train to raise fast level again.

因此,政策制定的第一法则应该是,不要发布一个将会破坏社会关系的政策。Therefore, the first rule of policy-making should be, don't promulgate a policy that will destroy social bonds.

中国的政治领导人经常用一些宣传口号来概括其政治哲学和管理风格。China’s political leaders often promulgate slogans to encapsulate their political philosophy and governing styles.

社会各界都应当组织参加各类科普活动。All circles in the society shall organize and participate in various activities to promulgate science and technology.

其审查项目及标准,交通部得视业务种类分别订定公告之。Depending upon the categories of businesses, MOTC may separately enact and promulgate the reviewed items and criteria.

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粮食危机的出现,为统购统销政策的出台提供了一个重要时机。The grain crisis in 1953 offered an important opportunity to promulgate the Policy for Unified Purchase and Sale of Grain.

激烈的竞争要求企业必须利用新的技术来管理、传播和处理信息资源。Corporations must manage, promulgate and dispose the information resource via new technology because of drastic competition.

废除一切束缚人民爱国运动的旧法令,颁布革命的新法令。Annul all old laws and decrees which restrict the people's patriotic movements and promulgate new, revolutionary laws and decrees.

如果州没有建立适当的标准,卫生,教育和福利部会经过讨论和公众听取的程序来颁布新的标准。If states failed to establish adequate standards, HEW could promulgate standards after a process of consultation and a public hearing.

利用先进的信息支持体系,建立公开、透明的农产品质量安全信息发布制度。Using advanced information auspice system, Establishes open and transparent promulgate system of agricultural product quality information.

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文化建设,主要是资助学校和教育科研机构对优秀文化的研究和传播以及优秀书籍和报刊的出版发行。We help schools and education study institutions to study and promulgate advanced culture and help to issue excellent books and the press.

远程教育是普及教育的有效途径,是计算机网络技术的重要应用领域。The distance education is an effective way to promulgate education, and it is an important application field of computer network techniques.

从新国家主义和新保守主义这两个基本理论着手,揭示日本保守主义政治的理论基础。A new statism and new conservatism these two elementary theories begin, to promulgate the Japanese conservatism politics the theory foundation.