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请不要高谈论阔。Please don't dwell on it.

在弱点和失败上痴缠。Dwell on weakness and failures.

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我在那苍白的月光里筑窝。I dwell in the moon's pale beam.

甘与世人居下地。Pleased as man with man to dwell.

他们从不凝思任何问题。They never dwell on any problems.

永远不要纠结在你不知道的事情上。Never dwell on what you don't know.

一沙一世界,一花一天堂。To those who Dwell in Realms of day.

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现在我离开你去居住在阿蒙提。Now I depart thee to dwell in Amenti.

世尊回答说“应无所住而生其心”。He said"our mind should dwell nowhere".

徐嘉惠跟妈妈刘妈一同住。XuJiaHui LiuMa dwell together with mom.

他们住在巴斯,但在城里工作。They dwell at Bath but work in the city.

在快活林,我将永远停留。In the happy forest I will forever dwell.

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让别的文人墨客去描写罪恶与不幸吧。Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery.

摩西决定与这些人一起生活。A people with whom Moses decided to dwell.

我不会把这问题一直讲下去的。I won't dwell on the subject at any length.

为什么我们要对他文凭纠缠不休?Why should we dwell so much on his diploma?

客纳罕人依旧住在这些地方。And the Chanaanite began to dwell with them.

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他肯定没有老是想着自己的残疾。He certainly does not dwell on his handicap.

你长在诗里和情人眼里辉映。You live in this, and dwell in lover's eyes.

他甚至不纠缠于过去的任性。He doesn't even dwell on our past waywardness.