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我应该给你们一些提示I should give you some hint.

这会带来另一种提示。This brings up another hint.

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你能用汉话提示一下吗?Can you hint in Chinese once?

有了这条提示。OK, so this is a little hint.

你用上他给的提示You got to take the hint he gave.

那是一个几乎不露一丝痕迹的笑。It was the barest hint of a smile.

分裂的提示未被允许。No hint of a division was allowed.

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他吐露出一点他的意向。He let fall a hint of his intentions.

那天,她还涂了少量的红色唇膏。She also wore a hint of red lipstick.

这些名字避开了任何亲密的暗示。These names avoid any hint of intimacy.

哎吆!那是个潜意识的暗示吗?不!WHOOPS ! Is that a subliminal hint? NO!

而战争的目的才是最重要的因素。Sino-Vietnamese war come of a hint to you?

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一丝惊恐闪过Hale的脸上。A hint of trepidation shows on Hale’s face.

她只在杜松子酒里加了少许苦艾酒。She added only a hint of vermouth to the gin.

她不断打呵欠,暗示她累了。She kept yawning as a hint that she was tired.

警察没有领会苏比的暗示。The policeman did not understand Soapy's hint.

黎明的第一缕微曦正照亮这个山谷。The first hint of dawn was touching the valley.

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她咳了一声,向他暗示他该走了。She cough to give him the hint that he shall go.

幸许又是这新月的暗示所致。Fortunately, May be was due to the hint Crescent.

统计仅仅暗示了城市历经了怎样的变化。Statistics only hint at how the city has changed.