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嘿,她这样做了!Hey, Madonna did it!

你有好多玛丹娜的CD喔。You have a lot of Madonna CDs.

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他是玛丹娜的死忠歌迷。He is a die-hard fan of Madonna.

她曾经为麦当娜伴唱。She once sang backup for Madonna.

麦当娜会深喉,毫无疑问。Madonna can deep throat, of course.

娜姊和一群人。Madonna and a bunch of other people.

麦当娜是感情的原创力。Madonna is a creative force of emotion.

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毕竟,有人喜欢莫扎特,有人喜欢麦当娜。After all, some people like Mozart,others Madonna.

麦当娜和盖.里奇是更加近期的客人。Madonna and Guy Ritchie were more recent visitors.

“你能听到麦当娜唱印度歌曲,”布朗说"You have Madonna singing about India," Brown says.

玛丹娜鼓励大家在舞池上摆动姿势。Madonna encouraged everyone to vogue on the dance floor.

麦当那的歌曲在流行歌曲排行榜上位居第一。Madonna has the number one song on the pop music charts.

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我听说麦当娜也在那里,还有汤姆.克鲁斯。I hear Madonna is there, and Tom Cruise. Senator Hammond.

单单是有着天使容颜的圣母玛利亚就花了两周时间才完成。The angelic-looking Madonna alone took two weeks to make.

当你听到玛丹娜时,你会想到什麽形象或形容词?。What image or word comes to mind when you hear the Madonna?

据麦当娜的说法“世界失去了一位伟大的天才”。According to Madonna "the world has lost one of the greats".

他以前当然是处男,很久以前麦当娜还是处女呢。Of course he was a virgin. Once upon a time, so was Madonna.

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目前尚不清楚麦当娜和里奇如何分担孩子的抚养权。How Madonna and Ritchie share custody of the children is unclear.

比起女权主义者,麦当娜对性有一个更加深远的认识。Madonna has a far profounder vision of sex than do the feminists.

她住极其破旧的房子里,因为没钱租好一点的。She lived in terrible house, cuz Madonna hadn't money for better.