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他心里有掠过一阵激动。Again a frisson of excitement swept through his heart.

多元文化的颤抖不过是一个快乐的副产品。The multicultural frisson is no more than a happy by-product.

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但是,如果你向他们下一个口头挑战,他们就会很激动。However, if you set them a verbal challenge, a frisson sweeps through them.

额外的脑力活动,也就是辨别词语的轻微认知冲动,激活了我们的大脑。All the extra work – the slight cognitive frisson of having to decipher the words – wakes us up.

但在即将到来的旅行中,夜里会遭遇吸血鬼的可能性还是让我感觉毛骨悚然。But the prospect of a nocturnal encounter with a vampire does lend a certain frisson to the forthcoming journey.

这种冲突与紧张关系让原本就因在公共场合讲述私人故事而充满活动的“回放表演”活动变得更加激动人心。It is a tension that gives frisson to the playback event that is energized by the telling personal stories in public places.

同时人们也曾担心一个人由于他的DNA而接受较差的健康维护、教育及职位,由此变成基因奴隶。There was the frisson of fear that a genetic helotry would be created, doomed by its DNA to second-class health care, education and employment.

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当他们正巧被委派刺杀同一个目标时,他们之后的联手制敌一致对外,似乎给了这一段婚姻注入了它所正需要的火热激情。When they're both sent after the same mark, their ensuing team-up seems to give the marriage the frisson of excitement that it desperately needed.

将这种邪恶投入于犯罪或者低俗的行为只是在挖掘其最令人厌恶的形式,却忽略了成就其卓越的一种无形的的冲动。To practice it in criminal and vulgar ways is to exploit its scandalous materiality and ignore the immaterial frisson which constitutes its excellence.

暮色降临时分是布拉格国家大剧院最辉煌的时刻,每当我在此时看见它的镀金屋顶,都会感到心灵的震颤。I still experience a frisson of excitement whenever I see the gold-plated roof of the National Theatre in Prague, at its brilliant best just after nightfall.

其实把时光倒推到不久前的一段时期,每一场足总杯比赛都会让球迷以及参赛的球员感到无比的激动和兴奋。There was a time, not that long ago, when a certain frisson of excitement accompanied every FA Cup match and not just for the fans but for every player involved too.

这是一个记录的最佳机会,将两届政府过渡期间的种种表情、现象展现的栩栩如生,就如同老一代与新一代之间的会面。It was a photo opportunity that delivered more frisson than most, making the transition of power in Washington suddenly vivid, as an older generation met a younger one.

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随着中国慢慢步入牛年,在那些支撑着中国经济发展的关键性群体中,焦虑的情绪逐渐蔓延开来。As this country lumbers into the Year of the Ox, a frisson of anxiety is rippling through a generation of Chinese who had grown up thinking that economic prosperity was guaranteed them.

没有什么比得上新书一卷在握的期望、封面的吸引力及油墨和纸张的芳香,且不说因对那些被砍伐的树木负疚而有的一丝颤抖。There's nothing like the anticipation of a new book in your hands, the appeal of a cover, and the smell of ink and paper, not to mention a small frisson of guilt at all those murdered trees.