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难道说你和他在一起是很不情愿的吗?Are you with him is the reluctance of it?

不过这种不情愿将被证明为短见。Yet this reluctance might prove short-sighted.

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虽然不舍,虽然痛苦,但我别无选择。I have no other choice despite reluctance and pain.

阿德里安吸引着他,而他并不愿意接受自己的感觉。His attraction to Adrien is one of great reluctance.

你可以感觉出这里一直有着对他的任命一种鸡肋感觉。You could feel there was always a reluctance for him.

舍不得回家的并不限于任性的男客。The reluctance to go home was not confined to wayward men.

定义了开关磁阻电机的电压矢量。It defines the voltage vector for Switched Reluctance Motor.

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我认为人类自内心深处就对杀戮有排斥。I think there's a deep human reluctance to kill other people.

厌恶损失或者是不愿意接受损失都是致命的缺点。Loss aversion, or the reluctance to accept a loss, can be deadly.

这就是某个开发者对结对编程的牵强解释。That's how one developer explained his reluctance to pair program.

优柔寡断指犹豫不决,举棋不定不愿或不能决定。Irresolution means reluctance or an inability to make up one's mind.

勉强地,我交出我半完成的报告。It was with great reluctance that I turned in my half-completed report.

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未能抛得杭州去,一半勾留是此湖!Much should be owed to this lake for the reluctance of leaving Hangzhou!

游标式磁阻电动机广泛应用于工业自动化领域。Vernier-type reluctance motors are widely used in industrial automation.

给出开关磁阻调速电机的优点。The advantages of the switched reluctance variable speed machine is given.

Guity帮助我克服了做商业周刊专栏时那些不情愿的情绪。Guity is the one who overcame my reluctance to do the Business Week columns.

的确,一些人不情愿使用避孕套是因为上年纪后,性功能出现的问题。True, some reluctance to use condoms concerns sexual functioning as people age.

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他决心不去同她打招呼,因此认定她没有看见自己。An overpowering reluctance to greet her made him decide that she had not seen him.

荷兰、斯洛伐克和奥地利在这个问题上也有不情愿的表示。The Netherlands, Slovakia and Austria have also expressed reluctance on the issue.

最大感应性对应于极小的勉强杆被排列的位置。The maximum inductance corresponds to the minimum reluctance pole-aligned position.