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别发牢骚。And don't whine.

她听见它放声长嚎。She heard it whine.

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我们昨夜听到狗在哀鸣。We heard the dog whine last night.

不要发牢骚或过度抱怨。Do not whine or complain excessively.

输家总是哀诉他们已经尽力了。Losers always whine about their best.

继续说啊,我喜欢听你发牢骚。Go on, go on, ILove to hear you whine.

马达的轰鸣吵得她心烦意乱。The whine of the motors jangled her nerves.

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马达的闹声使她的神经受不了。The whine of the motors jangled her nerves.

你有时间,来听我发牢骚吗。Do you have the time, To listen to me whine.

你可以滔滔不绝、勃然大怒,或者哀嚎抱怨,怎么样都行。You can gush, fume or whine – anything goes.

它一直呜呜叫着就想去散步,然后我们就去散步了。He whine and whine and whine to go to the walk.

是我还是大卫维特牢骚太多?Is it me or does Dave Winer just whine too much?

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不要抱怨,否则你将永远只像是个长不大的孩子。Don't whine about it or you'll sound like a baby boomer.

我要欢呼庆祝,不要吸泣哀诉。I was born to toast victories, not to whimper and whine.

狗不仅吠叫,而且还狂吠、怒吠、吼叫、哀叫。They not only bark, but they howl, growl, snarl, and whine.

你想到这件事,因为抱怨很容易。You think of it, so you know, because it's so easy to whine.

她穿着和服、席地而坐,捧着酒壶。She wears kimono and sits on the ground, holding a whine pot.

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但是它们烦人的嗡嗡声有着比闹人耳朵更多的意义。But there's more to their irritating whine than meets the ear.

一个普通的朋友会去想你最近所抱怨之事。A simple friend thinks the problems you whine about are recent.

齿轮哀炮塔作为导线,在零对铅元素。Gears whine as turrets traverse, zeroing in on the lead elements.