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麋鹿喝大量稀粥。Moose noshing much mush.

慕思吃了很多玉米粥。Moose noshing much mush.

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孩子的玉米粥是一个方便的为孩子们挑选。The Kid's Mush is a convenient pick for kids.

凉拌黄瓜就三十多美元?Cold cucumber mush for thirty-something bucks?

她的衣服太长,要请人改短一点。Her dress is too long. She mush have it shortened.

我们急于知道在Mush是否会出现棕榈树。We are anxious to see if any palms turn up at Mush.

我想要土豆汤,玉米浓粥和一个水果沙拉。I would like potato soup, some mush and a fruit salad.

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玉米糊。由在水中或汤中煮沸的玉米粉制成的一种浓粥。A thick mush made of cornmeal boiled in water or stock.

不要劳累过度。如果太费力,那就算了吧。Don't strain yourself. If it's too mush effort, just forget if.

穆沙拉夫派军攻击了拉尔清真寺,杀死了几百名当地学生。Mush attacked Lal Masjid and killed hundreds of students there.

我们一周吃两次的冰淇淋而且都不吃孤儿院的食物。We have ice-cream twice a week and we never have corn-meal mush.

我们不应过分指望/相信这类消息来源的可靠性。We must not presume too mush on the reliability of such sources.

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他弯下腰,团起一堆白色的雪泥。He bent over and began scraping together a pile of the white mush.

不要接受那大块嘴巴里还留有食物残渣、衣服穿得半裸的编辑所说的话。Don't accept mealy -mouthed half-baked editorial mush that says otherwise.

作为“舶来品”,保证保险在中国学术界引起诸多争议。As a "foreign goods", guaranty insurance has mush disputes about its nature.

城市生活几乎没有闯入上Mush和下Mush的村落。Very little of city life intrudes into the villages of Upper and Lower Mush.

屏幕上的一个点就像大家,在玩电子游戏时候见到的那样。A point right on the screen mush like you might do when playing a video game.

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安东尼肯定被揍得够呛。如果他受伤,这都是我的错。Anthony ' s gonna be pounded into mush. It ' ll be all my fault if he gets hurt.

如果你正好经过查令十字街84号,能否替我吻它?我欠它良多。If you happen to pass by 84 Charing Cross Road , kiss it for me! I owe it so mush.

这个过程的最后,会留下一大堆脏东西、死皮和油腻腻的一团糊糊。At the end of it all, you ended up with a gross mess of dirt, dead skin and oily mush.