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小宝,我的小熊猫。Sao Po. My little panda.

这是巴西圣保罗的交通堵塞。A traffic jam in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

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圣多美和普林西比降低了近一半的比率。Sao Tome and Principe by nearly half.

那么圣乔治堡将会是你理想的去处。Castelo de Sao Jorge is the place to go.

我臊眉耷眼的走了,正如我挤眉弄眼地来。Da eyebrow eye of SAO walk, as I make faces.

切尔西看上了圣保罗边后卫伊斯尼奥。Chelsea are eyeing Sao Paulo fullback Ilsinho.

孟买和圣保罗大同小异,乏善可陈。Mumbai and São Paulo are too much of a muchness.

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何塞利用圣保罗市的人们的营养。Used by the city of Sao Josè for people nutrition.

新德里,莫斯科,圣保罗同样让人不颤而栗。New Delhi, Moscow and São Paulo also did appallingly.

我的名字是若昂,我的位置是巴西的圣保罗。My name is Joao and my location is Sao Paulo , Brazil.

从圣保罗到玛瑙斯的航程约四个个小时。The flight lasted four hours from São Paulo to Manaus.

我的名字是若昂,我的位置是巴西的圣保罗。My name is Joao and my location is Sao Paulo, Brazil. Over.

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圣保罗球星赫尔南德斯承认他已经无限接近意大利。Sao Paulo star Hernanes admits he's open to a move to Italy.

圣保罗更加广袤、更令人害怕但一点不美丽。São Paulo is huger and more terrifying and not lovely at all.

圣保罗从去年的第21名一跃成为今年的第10名。Sao Paulo from last year's No. 21 this year became the first 10.

这位圣保罗人还是巴西19岁以下青年队的队长。The Sao Paulo native captains the national side at Under-19 level.

他可能前往巴西的圣保罗,去代替赫内斯。In Brazil give him near to Sao Paulo, where could replace Hernanes.

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棹影斡波飞万剑,鼓声劈浪鸣千雷。Sao WO-wave shadow fly 10000 sword, drum-ming, 1000 Ray split waves.

尤文准备好了与AC米兰竞争巴西圣保罗队的右后卫西西尼奥。Juventus are ready to battle AC Milan for Sao Paulo fullback Cicinho.

扎加洛从圣保罗动物园被带到里约热内卢,与这里唯一的长颈鹿结婚。Zagallo was taken from a zoo in Sao Paulo to marry Rio's only giraffe.