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爱,我猜度月桂冠的浓荫。The bay-crown's shade, Beloved, I surmise.

对她的人格产生了一种令人难堪的猜度。A very painful surmise arose concerning her character.

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我猜他们这两天不敢冲上来挑战了。I surmise they will not dare us to fight these several days.

很显然从他的话中我们可以猜测到这两个人并不认识对方。From his words we can surmise that the two people barely know each other.

“希刺克厉夫太太是我的儿媳妇,”希刺克厉夫说,证实了我的猜测。Mrs Heathcliff is my daughter-in-law, ' said Heathcliff, corroborating my surmise.

我认为这样的成就不会再重复——不管是何地,不管是何时。I surmise that such an accomplishment would never be repeated –– anywhere, anytime.

但是,即使我们从未发现那只冒烟的猪,我们也可以揣测,这可能就是它的出生地。But even if we never find that smoking pig, we can surmise that this is probably where it came from.

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相反,我们可以推测邓布利多知道海格可能失言,并利用了这一点而对他有利。Instead, we can surmise that Dumbledore knew that Hagrid might slip, and used this to his advantage.

有人可能自信地猜测,这个限制性的“背景”是苏印1971年条约。On can confidently surmise that the constraining 'context' in this regard was the Indo-Soviet treaty of 1971.

谁能够竟然大不敬地猜想出,他俩身上会有着同样的灼热的耻辱烙印呢!What imagination would have been irreverent enough to surmise that the same scorching stigma was on them both!

考古学家猜测,花园矗落在一个拱状的建筑物上,以防备被水淹没。Archeologists surmise that the gardens were laid out atop a vaulted building, with provisions for raising water.

揣诏中所言,不仅针对“廷尉”之狱,也针对“籍坊”之狱。"surmise imperial China has said, not only for "Tingwei" in prison, but also for "Membership Corner" of the prison.

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在线旅游公司,如TripAdvisor,对消费者在其网站上的行为进行监控,并试图推测他们的出游意向。So online travel companies like TripAdvisor monitor consumer behavior on their websites and try to surmise traveler intent.

因此,特里弗斯-威拉德假设引得我们猜测,龙凤胎在健康和生长方面会处于劣势。Thus, the Trivers-Willard hypothesis led us to surmise that opposite-sex twins would be disadvantaged for health and growth.

不过,可以顺理成章地推测,你的祖母之所以能活那么大岁数,部分原因在于,她有一个积极的生活态度。Still, it sure is tempting to surmise that it’s partly your grandmother's positive attitude that has kept her alive this long.

他们猜测可能是由于高蛋白食物能引起大脑产生降低食欲的激素。They surmise that it may be because a high-protein diet causes the brain to receive lower levels of appetite-stimulating hormones.

猜测罪责感的感受,而罪责感,从原始合法的合同制定实践,合同,第十二,害怕合法义务。His own account, this is important, begins with the surmise that the susceptibility to original legal practice of making contracts.

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虽然蓝乔没有透露她的身份,但是联系到蓝乔居住地儿,李子俊也猜到了。Although blue Joe didn't reveal her personality, blue Joe contacts blue Joe lives a ground of son, the plum is handsome to too surmise.

惊讶于他们怎么把这些沉重的建筑材料运上山,我猜想他们可能没有这些烦恼,因为这里森林茂密。Marveling at how they manage to drag all the construction materials up I surmise that of course they don't—the area is heavily forested.

因此我们推测,由于遏制边界的存在,遏制措施反而将发展从郊外和乡村转移到了郊区和城市。We surmise that containment shifts development from exurban and rural areas to suburban and urban ones because of containment boundaries.