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当眼泪滑落的时候,心在痛。Breakable tears, and frangible heart.

长度小于65英寸的氮钢瓶使用易碎盘装置。Nitrogen cylinders less than 65 inches long use a frangible disc device.

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减压装置以易碎盘或减压阀的形式出现。These devices take the form of frangible disks or pressure relief valves.

塔里木河下游是生态环境脆弱区,属红色生态区。The Lower reaches of Tarim River is the ecological frangible zone, belongs to the red ecology area.

本实用新型是一种玻璃或其它易碎、易损薄板的分片输送器。The utility model discloses a laminate conveyor used for glass or other frangible and wearable sheets.

然而,大规模的城市建设破坏了原本脆弱的地质环境,引发了众多的地质灾害。But mass construction has destroyed the frangible geological environment, and has caused a lot of geo-hazard.

黄土高原地区生态环境非常脆弱,该区进行旅游开发必须以生态旅游为指导。The Loess Plateau was a special area in China, it had multiple ecotourism resources and very frangible environment.

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本文的研究为轻质穿透式薄膜盖的研制和应用提供了方法和依据。Results may be useful for design and manufacture of light frangible fly through diaphragm cover for missile launch canister.

哭泣城市也让寂寞升温,迷失对爱情应有的坚定,甚至脆弱的不堪一击。Being in the Crying City deepens the loneliness, losing the faith in Love, which is so frangible that even cant stand any hit.

NF3钢瓶配备有由易碎破裂盘及其后的易熔合金组成的减压装置。NF3 cylinder valves are equipped with pressure relief devices consisting of a frangible rupture disc backed by a fusible alloy.

他得了尿毒症,从发现到去世只有6天时间。我突然觉得在疾病面前,生命是如此脆弱。He got the uremia disease which had been found six days before he died. All of a sudden, I felt the life was so frangible when facing diseases.

最后本文还借用数字签名思想提出了一种基于半易损水印的实用的数字图像认证算法。At last we propose a half frangible watermark algorithm based on the theory of digital signature, which can authenticate the integrity of image.

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造成湘东南特大暴雨山洪除了气象成因外,薄弱的地质环境条件是“碧利斯”得以诱发地质灾害的内因。Besides the meteorological facts, the frangible geology environmental coalition is the internal cause of the geological disaster induced by "BILIS".

佩恩安全还制造'无效'的标签和易碎标签,这两种可用于超过一包的开幕显示是否有被篡改。Payne Security also manufactures 'void' labels and frangible labels, both of which can be applied over a pack's opening to show if it has been tampered with.

宁南黄土沟壑地区的生态极度脆弱,曾被联合国教科文组织定为“最不适宜人生存的地区”。The ecological condition in loess hilly and gully region of the south of NingXia province is so frangible that it was considered as"tbe worst place to live"by the ESCO.

研究报告指出,这种蛋白质加速了硬壳的生长,当小鸡在蛋中生长时,硬壳在保护脆弱的蛋黄和蛋液上起着关键作用。The research report pointed that such a protein accelerated the growth of the eggshell and the shell played a crucial role in the protection of the frangible yolk and liquid.

有越来越多的科学证据表明人类已经对地球上有限的资源、脆弱的生态系统和我们已知的生命产生了大规模的有害影响。Scientific evidence is springing up everywhere that indicates the massive and pernicious impact of the human species on the limited resources of Earth, its frangible ecosystems and life as we know it.