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天龙八部非常值得一读。The Dragon Chronicles is well worth reading.

防御者编年史,它比止痛药还好。Defender Chronicles – It's better than Percocet.

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这本书记录了奥古斯丁·萨奇的一生。This book chronicles the life of Augustine Souchy.

各部分均有本纪、列传。Each part contains both chronicles and biographies.

在历代志下26章里记载了他成功的要素。The keys to his success are recorded in 2 Chronicles 26.

历代纳西亚。黎明行者号之航行。The Chronicles of Narnia. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

民风是各类地方志都会涉及到的普遍话题。Folkway is a general topic in all kinds of local chronicles.

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图书馆与地方志在我国都有着悠久的历史。Both library and local chronicles have long histories in China.

另外有一位诗人的妻子记下了她丈夫的去世时间。Another chronicles the death of a woman’s husband, himself a poet.

一如历代志和以斯拉二书,尼希米也强调祭司职。Like the books of Chronicles and Ezra, Nehemiah has a priestly emphasis.

唯一的线索存在于编年史上1307年六月四日的记载。The only clue came from a passage noted in the Chronicles for June 4, 1307.

它叫莎拉·康纳历代记,而且已经在福克斯的中期的安排表上。It's called the Sarah Connor Chronicles and it is on Fox's mid-season schedule.

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方志索引的编制始于上个世纪30年代。The compilation of index of local chronicles started from 30's of last century.

历代志作者认为这是出于乌西雅王自己的骄傲。The author of Chronicles explained that it was due to Uzziah's unfaithful pride.

明清的方志当然又是宋史的重要史料。The Chronicles Of course, Ming and Qing Dynasties is an important historical Sung.

这部9集的叙事诗记录了发生在1861-1865年间的美国内战。This 9 episode epic chronicles the U.S. Civil War which took place from 1861-1865.

一切都在游戏中已建立的基础上存档照片及其他方志。Everything in the game was created on the basis of archive photos and other chronicles.

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在非洲的其他地方,岩画经常用来记录布须曼人和陴格米人打猎的神话。Elsewhere in Africa, rock art often chronicles the hunting magic of Bushmen and Pygmies.

这部漫画记载了四个人性化的动物——猪,老鼠,斑马和山羊——的日常生活。It chronicles the daily lives of four anthropomorphic animals, Pig, Rat, Zebra, and Goat.

本照片故事记述了献血者捐献的血液输给接受者的过程。This photo story chronicles the journey of donated blood from the donor to the recipient.