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在前面的一个拥挤的清真寺。In front of a packed masjid.

我们邀请他们到清真寺。We invite them to the masjid.

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迦玛清真寺外的大广场Broad Square Outside Jama Masjid

其阿拉伯语名称是Masjid。It refers to its Arabic name – Masjid.

穆沙拉夫派军攻击了拉尔清真寺,杀死了几百名当地学生。Mush attacked Lal Masjid and killed hundreds of students there.

在德里的伊斯兰教堂和寺院是印度清真寺的一个典型实例。The Jami masjid at Delhi is a representative example of an Indian mosque.

接下来我到清真寺进餐,那种感觉又完全回来了。So I went to the dinner at the masjid and that feeling all came back to me.

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文莱的大清真寺金碧辉煌,用白色大理石和黄金建成。Masjid Kampong Sungai Keun Mosque in Brunei is made of white marble and gold.

诵经院能够感化少量居民皈依伊斯兰教,并提高城堡居民快乐程度。Small Masjid converts a very small percentage of the region to Islam, and improves happiness.

诵经院能够感化少量居民皈依伊斯兰教,并提高城堡居民快乐程度。Small Masjid converts a very small percentage of the region to Islam , and improves happiness.

第一座清真寺建筑是麦加的“克尔白天房”,现位于阿尔-哈拉姆大清真寺的中心。" The first mosque built was the " Kaaba , " in Mecca, which resides inside of the the Masjid al-Haram.

礼拜堂能够感化少量居民皈依伊斯兰教,并提高城邑居民快乐程度,同时还可招募伊玛目。Masjid converts a small percentage of the region to Islam, improves happiness, and allows the Imam agent.

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大型集市昌德尼乔克街和印度最大的清真寺贾玛清真寺在这座城市中拥有举足轻重的地位。It is dominated by the grand bazaar of Chandni Chowk and by the Jama Masjid which is the largest mosque in India.

清真寺能够感化更多居民皈依伊斯兰教,并提高城邑居民快乐程度,同时还可招募伊玛目。Minareted Masjid converts a moderate percentage of the region to Islam, improves happiness, and allows the Imam agent.

上周末超过300名哀悼者参加了索利曼女士的葬礼,葬礼在哈福清真寺举行。More than 300 mourners attended Ms Soliman's funeral last weekend, which was held at the Jamia Masjid mosque in Reading.

是集体礼拜的中心和星期五祈祷仪式的场所。"The masjid jami', or "congregational mosque, " is the centre of community worship and the site of Friday prayer services.

该中心楼高8层,清真寺占了两层,还设有礼堂、图书馆和诊疗所各一间,以及课室和办公室多间。In Wan Chai, was opened in 1981 and houses a masjid on two floors, a community hall, a library, a medical clinic, classrooms and offices.

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平时只有40至50个穆斯林在首尔清真寺参加聚礼,但是斋月以来人数猛增10倍。There are only 40 to 50 Muslims attending prayers at the Seoul Central Masjid in normal times, but the number jumped tenfold with Ramadan.

印度穆斯林采取鸟沙阿戈德拉清真寺周围菲罗兹在新德里飞往祈祷后在斋月的第一个星期五在2010年8月13日休息。Indian Muslims take a break as birds fly around Firoz Shah Kotla Masjid after prayers on the first Friday of Ramadan in New Delhi on August 13, 2010.

九龙清真寺暨伊斯兰中心位于弥敦道的“黄金地带”,在一九八四年启用,代替在一八九六年兴建的清真寺。The Kowloon Masjid and Islamic Centre, on what is sometimes called the 'Golden Mile' in Nathan Road, was opened in 1984 and replaced a masjid built in 1896.