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寺庙有一种神圣的氛围。Temples have an air of sanctity.

将它与威胁到它神性的东西区别隔离开。So separation from that which threatens its sanctity.

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战斗的圣洁现在不再减少驱邪术的冷却时间。Sanctity of Battle no longer reduces the cooldown of Exorcism.

比如亵渎神圣等。想用尊严和神圣不可侵犯之类的话来打动你们。Desecration, and so forth, and lectured you on dignity and sanctity.

圣洁的力量,洗涤我的灵魂,给我以宁静!The sanctity poer, lavation my soul , administer the serenity to me!

南极冰在一些美国人心中为“圣洁”的代名词。South Pole the ice is the pronoun of" sanctity" in some American public.

在这种信仰中,人人皆为神圣所感召,生活是通往神圣之径。In this faith we are all called to holiness and life is a path to sanctity.

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友谊是如此圣洁旳─种激情,是如此甜蜜、牢固和忠诚。Comity is such a kind of intense emotion of sanctity is thus sweet, firm and honest.

成圣是恩典之约的第二个恩惠,它源于称义。Sanctity is the second benefit of the covenant of grace and flows from justification.

他不相信男女会在神圣性上超越天使长加百列。He did not believe that men and women could surpass the Archangel Gabriel in sanctity.

快饿死的人没有尊严可言,当一个无家可归的人躺在地板上腐烂,生命的尊严就变得无足轻重。When a homeless person is left to rot on a slab, the sanctity of life somehow gets trivialized.

你必须坚定的捍卫它,你甚至能够将它称为捍卫办公室的神圣不可侵犯性。You’ve got to guard it so fiercely, you might even call it guarding the sanctity of the office.

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巫师相信所有生命的神圣性,认识到双神,既是一个女神和神。Wiccans believe in the sanctity of all life and recognize a dual deity, both a goddess and a god.

这些做法损害了契约的神圣性,他说,同时使每个人都更难获得抵押借款。They undermine the sanctity of contracts, he said, while making mortgages harder to gain for everyone.

女猎手强壮灵巧,并且对敢于玷污神圣的灰谷森林的敌人毫不怜悯。Huntresses are strong, swift, and merciless to those who would defile the sanctity of Ashenvale Forest.

她全方位地诠释了这个人物,同时也首次对SAMCRO的庄严提出了真正威胁。She has really brought the character front and center, the first real threat to the sanctity of SAMCRO.

我认为一件作品的活力在于它本身的内在矛盾,即神圣与世俗之间的矛盾。I think the core of this work is its interior conflict, that is the conflict between sanctity and mundaneness.

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伍基人十分尊重自然,而且与他们所在星球生态的严整性有很强的联系。Wookiees are deeply respectful of nature, and have a strong connection to the sanctity of their world's ecology.

我们烦透了20多年来精英们的说教,我们受够了神圣市场经济为我们安排的人生!We are tired of 20 years of elite preaching, we have enough of a market economy sanctity of life for our arranged.

以色列人在每一方面都要有别于不信从上帝的人,反映出他们作上帝子民独特的圣洁。In every way, Israel was to be distinct from the ungodly, reflecting their peculiar sanctity to the Lord their God.