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汤姆乘电梯到十二层楼。Tom took the lift to the twelfth floor.

第十二讲里面共有十五道题。There are fifteen problems in the twelfth module.

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在第六回合他打出了他的第十二次本垒打。He poled his twelfth home run in the sixth inning.

我九年级的时候就比十二年级的学生更聪明,I was smarter than the twelfth graders in ninth grade,

王先生,行啊,可以把订房改到12日。Wang. Yes, it is possible to change it to the twelfth.

你出生时太阳在第十二宫。The Sun was in your twelfth house at the time of birth.

直至十二个永不,我仍然会爱你,那真是老长老长一段时间……Until the Twelfth of Never and that's a long, long time.

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基本上,第十二宫代表的是受压制的想法。Basically, the twelfth house represents repressed thoughts.

那是我的十二岁生日,妈妈,汤姆和我一起去看比赛。I went to that game with my mom and Tom on my twelfth birthday.

“十二五”时期的主要目标和任务II. Main Objectives and Tasks for the Twelfth Five-Year Plan Period

ICANN将接受申请,从一月第十二届到四月第十二届。ICANN will accept applications from January twelfth to April twelfth.

安联是世界第十二金融服务公司。Allianz is the twelfth largest financial services company in the world.

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美国的四年级,八年就,和十二年级的学生没有这个特权。America's fourth, eighth, and twelfth graders don't have that privilege.

按阴历的说法,每年都是十二属相中的一个“生肖年”。One into the twelfth lunar month, the smell is getting stronger year by.

今年轮到我们这一届已经是第十二届了。This year it was the turn of this session we have is the twelfth session.

时间量是全音符的三十二分之一的一个音乐符号。A twelfth part of the labour of making a plough is an appreciable quantity.

希腊于2001年1月1日参加欧元区,成为第十二个成员国。Greece became the twelfth member if it abutting the euro on January 1 2001.

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吴哥窟在12世纪早期初建时就令参观者们敬畏不已。Angkor Wat has awed visitors since it was first built in the early twelfth century.

在他前头有十二对牛,自己赶着第十二对。He was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen, and he himself was driving the twelfth pair.

第十二日来献的是拿弗他利子孙的首领,以南儿子亚希拉。On the twelfth day Ahira the son of Enan, prince of the children of Naphtali, offered