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朝鲜蓟可有效降低胆固醇。Artichoke leaf has been shown to lower cholesterol.

卡拉马它橄榄、香菇、朝鲜蓟嫩心和沙拉米。Olives, Shiitake Mushrooms, Artichoke Hearts, and Salami.

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中国洋蓟的块茎中发现的四糖。A tetrasaccharide found in the tubers of the chinese artichoke.

我点一份奶油煮鸡、面包和洋蓟菜心。I'll have creamed chicken, just the bread and the artichoke hearts.

蓝知更鸟和朝鲜蓟被放在一个单独的房间里管理。BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE were administered in a compartmented fashion.

黄瓜,小胡萝卜,芦笋,亚枝竹芯和樱桃番茄。Cucumber, Baby Carrots, Asparagus, Artichoke Hearts, and Cherry Tomatoes.

扒鸡胸配水瓜柳,橄榄,洋蓟心蕃茄汁。Grilled chicken breast with capers, olives, and artichoke in marinara sauce.

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其主要成分为菊芋粉、膳食纤维和多糖类。The main components of Jerusalem artichoke powder, more dietary fiber and sugar.

急冻洋蓟心放进滚水中,煮数分钟。沥乾。Put the frozen artichoke hearts in hot water and simmer for a few minutes. Drain.

朝鲜蓟提取物刺激胆汁分泌,促进脂肪消化和代谢。Artichoke extract stimulates bile production, promoting fat digestion and metabolism.

对朝鲜蓟叶提取物进行抑菌实验。The antimicrobial effects of artichoke leaf extract were investigated in this experiment.

迈洛先生,您问的是朝鲜蓟吗?朝鲜蓟是一种很好吃的蔬菜,在这一带很受欢迎。Artichoke , Signow Milo? An artichoke is a very tasty vegetable that is popular everywhere.

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菊芋粉主要成分为蛋白质、糖和菊粉及微量元素。Jerusalem artichoke powder mainly composed of protein, sugar and inulin and trace elements.

菊芋酒由于其具有营养成分而具有较广阔的发展前景。Jerusalem artichoke wine has widely development foreground because of it's nutrition component.

午餐我们吃了烟熏羊羔肉配西葫芦、豆类沙拉,还有烤南瓜加蓟菜烤饼可选。For lunch, it was smoked lamb with zucchini and bean salad or roasted pumpkin and artichoke tart.

这时她总是迈着兴奋的步伐低着头沿着一排排洋蓟植物旁行走。Then she continued along a row of artichoke plants, her head bowed, always at that dramatic pace.

建立了朝鲜蓟中绿原酸测定的高效液相色谱法。HPLC method for the quantitative determination of chlorogenic acid from artichoke was established.

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这一研究证明,它是一种很有实用价值的新糖料植物。The result proves that Jerusalem artichoke can be a new crop for su-gar source of practical value.

把意大利干酪铺在顶上,没有人会知道这热浸白豆和朝鲜蓟是很健康的。Topped with Parmesan cheese, no one will ever know this hot white bean and artichoke dip is healthy.

首先,考察了菊芋茎叶及块茎水解的最适条件。Firstly, the optimal conditions for hydrolysis of Jerusalem artichoke stalks and tubers were studied.