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执事长确实表达出了他脑子里思想的转动。The archdeacon had truly expressed the workings of his mind.

会吏长认为这样通信是不光彩的。The archdeacon thinks that such a correspondence is disgraceful.

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这就是副主教没有被安葬在圣地里的原因。This is why the archdeacon was not interred in consecrated earth.

她把这一切全归咎于会吏长的偏见与自高自大。All this she attributed to the prejudice and conceit of the archdeacon.

副主教很兴奋听到艾丝米拉达并没有真的结婚。The archdeacon was pleased to hear that Esmeraldawas not really married.

可是这时候,会吏长开始筹划着某种坚决反对的有力措施。But now the archdeacon began to meditate on some strong measures of absolute opposition.

这场婚礼中最引人注目的特点,就是会吏长的分外慷慨。The most remarkable feature in the whole occasion was the excessive liberality of the archdeacon.

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在院长西奥普副主教的主持下,19名基金受奖学员以及18名其它学员一起住进名为“绿宫”的副主教府邸。Under Archdeacon THORP as warden, 19 foundation scholars and 18 others took up residence in Archdeacon 's Inn, Palace Green.

比登登的复活节慈善会至少在十七世纪初就已经开始,这一点可以由坎特伯雷领班神父的信件可以证明。The Bidden Easter charity dates at very least to the beginning of the XVII century, as proven by the Archdeacon of Canterbury's letter.

显然是那个敲钟人必须在一定的时期内替副主教服役,期满之后就要带走他的灵魂作为报酬。It was evident that the bellringer was to serve the archdeacon for a given time, at the end of which he would carry away the latter's soul, by way of payment.

那一切终究不能很有力地证明这是种巫术活动,不过那里经常冒出烟来,于是使人猜想到火,因此副主教就得到一个相当可怕的名声。There were no great proofs of sorcery in that, after all, but there was still enough smoke to warrant a surmise of fire, and the archdeacon bore a tolerably formidable reputation.