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它是一个政治雷区。It's a political minefield.

Google“刚刚闯入了巨大的布雷区。”oogle “just ran into a huge minefield.”

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但社交网站是还那些粗心大意者的雷区。Social media is a minefield for the unwary.

他异常敏捷地跳离布雷区。He sprang from the minefield with surprising agility.

在驶近的黎波里港时,我们的船只进入一个新布雷区。Approaching Tripoli our ships ran into a new minefield.

它是一个很大的圆滑的布雷区,是一个专项小组测试广告。It's all one big minefield of slick, focus-group tested ads.

南亚是雷区。谨慎,再多的谨慎也不为过。SouthAsia is a minefield. Caution, and more caution, is advised.

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“不稳定的”Firefox开发版叫做Minefield。The “unstable” development release of Firefox is called Minefield.

杆细胞的应用不但产生了一个法律地雷阵,还构成了一个道德地雷阵。The use of stem cells has caused not only a legal but also an ethical minefield.

现在的约会游戏是高度复杂的,其中的繁文缛节就像个雷区。The modern dating game is highly complex and courting rituals can be a minefield.

然而,对于不擅逗笑取乐的人来说,21世纪的职场可能会是个雷区。But the 21st-century office can be a minefield for the amateur who enjoys a giggle.

假日,和一大家子有聚在一起,是危机隐藏的时刻,要小心自己的言语。The holidays, with all their extended-family gatherings, can be a verbal minefield.

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但是我们已经选择的方案却是非常失败的,就像闯入了一个政治地雷阵,代价异常高昂。But the path we've taken, regrettably, goes through an expensive, political minefield.

里头有五十多头牛,还有全农场最大的“地雷”场。There we discovered the biggest minefield in the farm- there were cow dung everywhere!

长者福利事务就像一个地雷阵,有很多问题,例如强积金,需要小心处理。There are many problems such as the MPF to be handled in the minefield of elderly care.

我不认为我对美国的访问将要进入“地雷阵”。I do not think that by paying a visit to the United States l will step into a minefield.

陷入地雷阵的敌兵全被游击队歼灭,松井剖腹自杀。The enemy into a minefield all been wiped out the guerrillas, Matsui laparotomy suicide.

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苏联坦克在经过雷场时停下了,随后开始后退。The Soviet tanks halted when they entered the minefield and began to reverse their course.

你可能不聪明,但是你能够踮着脚尖通过布雷区,这个比我所知道的任何人都做得好。You may not be brilliant, but you can tiptoe through a minefield better than anyone I know.

清扫200平方米土地里的地雷,两个人需要工作一整天,而两只老鼠只需要两个小时。And a pair of rats can clear a 200sqm minefield in two hours rather than the day it takes humans.