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嘶,红袍法师会的!Hss, Red Wizard would!

每个巫师都能感觉到它。Every Wizard can feel it.

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落叶是秋姑娘的精灵。Autumn leaves is a girl's wizard.

这将启动迁移向导。This starts the Migration Wizard.

花朵是春姑娘的精灵。Flowers of spring the girl's wizard.

我是一个住在城堡中的长鼻魔法师。I'm a long nosed wizard in a castle.

这样就会打开向导的第一屏。The first screen of the wizard opens.

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向导不覆盖文件。The wizard does not overwrite a file.

它们看守巫师监狱——阿兹卡班。They guard the wizard prison, Azkaban.

加入成员变数精灵随即出现。The Add Member Variable wizard appears.

他是威肖的巫师,约翰·希金斯!He's the wizard of Wishaw, John Higgins!

向导无法检测拨号音。The wizard could not detect a dial tone.

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这一定是巫师嬉皮士的黎明。This must be the dawn of wizard hipsters.

嘶,红袍法师会的!弗罗格相信他!Hss, Red Wizard would! Frolg believed him!

红袍法师?你是说麦克里斯,那贤者?Red Wizard? Do you mean Mekarius, the Sage?

罗恩还开始教哈利下巫师棋。Ron also started teaching Harry wizard chess.

唯这狐仙精灵有形相伴!This is accompanied by visible CD wizard fox!

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一个狂暴的巫术师得不到珍贵的记号。A berserker wizard gets no score for treasure.

一个男巫在一个魔术的圆周里面放置了10只猫。A wizard placed 10 cats inside a magic circle.

该向导将帮助您执行以下操作。This wizard assists you in doing the following.