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今天的社会主义者对此也许颇能引起共鸣。Socialists today might well sympathise with the sentiment.

你或许甚至发现你的内心在同情它们。You might even find it in your heart to sympathise with them.

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这并不说明我同情他或者为他辩解,我当然不会。I am not suggesting I sympathise with him, nor excuse him, I certainly don't.

凡是能表同情的,都是处在同一地位的人。All those who could sympathise with you were invariably in the same hapless situation.

然而,我不知道这些症状意味着什么,所以没有同情她的念头。But I knew nothing of what these symptoms portended, and had no impulse to sympathise with her.

莫尔顿先生很同情她,他许诺在他的职权范围内会给她尽可能多的财产补助。He could sympathise with her, and as far as money help was concerned, he promised all in his power.

有人可能常运用这种能力去操作和控制,就像用于理解和同情一样。One might use such an ability to manipulate, or control, just as much as to understand or sympathise.

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他并不同情公司,但是力量属于他们。产业和公用事业也属于他们。He didn't sympathise with the corporations, but strength was with them. So was property and public utility.

如果外部力量正在保护的东部利比亚人民转而同情基地组织了呢?What if many of the eastern Libyans whom the outside world is protecting turn out to sympathise with al-Qaeda?

感受他们的心情,真心倾听他们的叙说和其中蕴含的感情。适当地表示同情。Empathise and really listen to their words and the feelings behind them. Empathise an sympathise as appropriate.

研究者认为,父母们明白他们的女儿会面对的那些潜在困难,所以开始同情她们。The authors concluded that parents realise the potential struggles their daughters will face and begin to sympathise with them.

生物化学家正试图解开蛋白质域中的三维形状,而这同样与伽利略的情感的到了共鸣。Biochemists trying to understand the three-dimensional shapes of protein strings will also sympathise with Galileo's sentiments.

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伊拉克一些逊尼派穆斯林同情叙利亚逊尼派叛军,因为他们正在对抗阿萨德政府。Some Sunni Muslims in Iraq sympathise with the Sunni rebels in Syria, who are fighting against the government of Bashar al-Assad.

有人告诉我晚上没有睡好时,我不会对他们表示丝毫同情,因为我不相信有任何人的睡眠会比我更坏。When someone tells me they've had a bad night's sleep, I find it hard to sympathise. I can't believe anyone sleeps as badly as me.

出于同为普什图人的种族感情和战略目的,巴基斯坦的一些士兵和间谍同情并帮助塔利班。Some of its soldiers and spooks sympathise with and help the Taliban, out of both ethnic-Pushtun fellow-feeling and strategic intent.

由于克鲁伊夫批评切尔西的足球风格,认为他们为了比赛结果,不惜牺牲娱乐性,致使两人卷入了一场公开的争吵之中。For that reason I don't sympathise with coaches who put results above everything else, who only think about themselves and not about football itself.

然而此想法也许看来有点古怪,很明显粮食和农业部门,食品和农村事务部不愿意看到这些。While the ideas may seem bizarre, it is clear that there are elements within the food and farming department, Defra, who will sympathise with its aims.

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对于这些腰缠万贯的明星,少赚几千元很难博取大家的同情,但这些广告能使他们的形象、尊严、财富受损。Some may find it hard to sympathise with highly paid celebrities who miss out on a few thousand extra yuan. But the ads can hit their image – and pride – as well as their bank balances.